Chapter 27- I'm Parker. Parker Luis.

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Chapter 27- I'm Parker. Parker Luis.
Jessica's POV

I wake up feeling all giddy and happy. Yeah, we have school today, and that isn't exciting, but I'm happy because me and and Tyler will go out after school today, and I can't wait to see what he has planned for today.

The alarm clock was still blaring, but Tyler didn't budge. I reach over him and shut that damned thing off. "Again Cher? Is this gonna be the first thing you do in the morning?" He said in his sexy morning voice and turned around, pushing me back to my place.

He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulder, probably going back to sleep. "Tyler?"


"You know that we have to go to school right?"

"I'd rather stay like this."

His morning voice is slowly killing me right now. Too hot to handle.

"Ty, get your ass up! We have to go to school!" I pick up a pillow and flung it on his face, making him so startled when he sat up. He rubbed his face, groaned a bit, and then hit me with a pillow. "Oh no you didn't just do that." I said, eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yes, yes I did just do that." He replies with a smirk,

"Oh it's so on!" I pick a pillow and hit him right on the face, making him fall on his back with a chuckle. After a few seconds he came to his senses and soon we had a pillow fight. I ran around, my loose T-shirt rising up a bit as I pull my knee higher to run.

"Tyler stop we have school!" I say while chuckling and leaping on the bed, throwing a pillow at him before jumping off of the bed.

"Cherry, you're not going anywhere until this is settled down!" He was right behind me when I felt his arms snake around my waist and tackle me on the bed. He was on top of me and we both started laughing so hard, my sides. I laughed with my eyes closed, enjoying every minute of this.

I open my eyes to see Tyler looking down at me with a smile. The kind of look that makes me weak, he was looking at me exactly like that. He moved a strand from my face, leaned in and kissed my forehead. "This is perfect!" He said,

"Yes it is." I agree and take a pillow from behind me before hitting him lightly on the face, making both of us fall into hysterics yet again.


"You sure you're gonna be fine alone with Ethan in this class? I can ditch mine to be there." Tyler said,

"No Ty, just go to your class. I don't want you to get in trouble. Just go, I can take care of myself."


"Yes. Now go!" I said and he walks away but not before placing a kiss on my cheek.

I enter the class and smile at Austin and Bella before taking my seat. The seat next to me is empty, and I'm glad that it is because I didn't want my ex to sit next to me. I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I look behind me to see a guy with beautiful silky black hair, a light shaded forest green eyes, perfectly tanned skin and thin pink lips matching his complexion.

"Can I sit here?" He asks with a hint of Australian in his accent. It wasn't heavily Australian, but it wasn't completely American too.

"Yeah sure." I reply, "Are you new here?" I ask,

"No I'm not. I've been this school since sophomore year. I've been in this class for a long time, sitting at the back, but I don't speak much because I don't like it." He said,

"Oh, I never noticed you." I said as a matter of fact,

"I'm in most of your classes, but you didn't notice me. I mean I wouldn't wanna be caught dead by Tyler for even looking towards his girlfriend." He replied,

"How'd you know about me and Tyler?"

"It's pretty obvious seeing how you guys act when together in class or in the cafeteria." My mouth shaped in a 'o' as I nod in understanding.

"Let's introduce each other. Hi, I'm Jessica Stewart!" I said full of happiness and stick my hand towards him, ready to shake his. He takes my hand and replied, "I'm Parker. Parker Luis."

"Nice to meet you Parker!"

"Nice to meet you too Jessica!"

The teacher entered the class and started teaching while me and Parker didn't focus and were talking. How could've I not noticed him? He's honestly amazing and pretty charming. Not to forget that he's handsome.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask bluntly,

"No I don't. Not anymore. I used to date Anne Hayes. I don't think you know her." He said,

"Anne? Anne Hayes? Blonde hair, black rimmed glasses, blue eyes?"


"Oh my god! You're Anne's ex? I used to be her housemate or roommate or whatever you wanna call it.

"Seriously? Wow!"

"Honestly, no offense to your old self who is probably still in love with her, that girl, is a stuck up bitch. I hate her."

"None taken. That was one of the reasons why I broke up with her."

"Oh wow. I didn't know she was capable of dating. I thought she's always shy and quiet." I said with a confused look.

"Believe me, she's capable of many other things you don't wanna know about." He said and rolled his eyes,

"Seriously? She was that bad?" He nods,

"I never saw you at the house when I came there. She always talked about a Jessica who was a troublemaker and ruined everything at her house, but I didn't think it was you." He said,

"Well you never saw me because I'm almost always out or just locked in my room minding my own business." I said and he nods. We focus on the lesson for a while before the lesson finally ended.

"See you at lunch?" Bella asks,

"In a few," I say and nod before she walked away with Austin,

Parker helped me keep my books in my bag and walked with me towards the door. We were both laughing at his jokes when suddenly I bumped into someone. I look up to see Tyler with a confused expression, "what are you laughing for, and who is he?" Tyler asks as he eyes down Parker.

He pulled me closer and held me with his hand around my waist possessively, "Tyler this Parker, and Parker this is-"

"No need to introduce, I definitely know Tyler Myers." Parker said,

"Then you surely know to not mess with me right? Especially when it comes to her?" Tyler replies,

I nudge him on his side, "Tyler." I gave him a warning look and he sighed, his eyes softening when he looked at me,

"Relax, I'm just her friend. I know better than to mess with you and your girlfriend," Parker said, "See you after lunch Jess!" He leaves,

"What was that about?" I ask,

"Nothing. It's my way of saying hi." He said with a grin, making me roll my eyes but chuckle at the same time.

••• *tries to contain the excitement* I might explode like this! ;p

Quote:"Exams...are finally OVER!!"
- HappyWatermelonKid

That's what I was excited about ^

Sending love your way

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