Chapter 28- Dating

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Chapter 28- Dating
Jessica's POV

I was sitting next to Tyler watching him throw fries at Austin from across the table, "you guys, that's wastage of such precious food!" Bella exclaimed, "it's fine babe, canteen food never tasted that great anyways," Austin said, throwing a cabbage leaf at Tyler.

"So Tyler, I heard you and Jessica are going out. Where are you guys going?" Bella asks,

"It's a secret." Tyler replied,

"Hmm, whatever it is, I hope you guys actually start-" she whispers, "-dating. I've been rooting for you two." She looked towards me with a smug grin, making me roll my eyes but chuckle. Tyler's hand snaked around my waist and held me against him possessively when Ethan approached our table.

Tyler's eyes stared daggers at him, and his expression softened when I took his hand in mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He looks at me and I nod with a smile, making him relax and smile too.

"Jess, you know that it's my sister Abby's birthday tomorrow, and she would love to see you there. Can you please come to make her day tomorrow?" He asks, hoping for a yes,

"No she-" I cut off Tyler by saying, "yes I will."

Ethan takes my hand in his suddenly and kisses it, "thank you so much Jess!" When he saw Tyler glaring at him, he abruptly left my hand and said, "I'm sorry," before going back to his table.

To be honest, he looks miserable, and I don't think he's enjoying his time with Mackenzie. Yes I might've been cruel when I broke up with him- ok I was cruel when I broke up with him- but now I feel bad for him. Going to the party tomorrow is the least I can do.

"Why'd you agree Cher?" He asks, trying to hide his anger which really wasn't working. I kissed him on his cheek and he immediately relaxed, "Ty, it's his sister's birthday, she's turning 8, and I've always been to her birthday. I can't miss this one, even after our breakup."

"I'll come." He said,

"No Tyler,


"she'll think that I'm dating someone else."

"Let her think like that then, but I'm not leaving you alone with that asshole alone in his house."

"I won't be alone. His parents will be there, guests will be there, the kids will be there. I won't be alone."

"I don't care, I'm coming."

"I'll see what we can do about that."

"Austin and Bella are going too right?" He asks, making me nod, "it's final then, I'm coming too."


"Tyler, we're finally going to this place, at least tell me now."

"Nope Cherry, just wait for it."

He stopped his car and parked in front of a bowling centre. "Seriously Tyler, this was your surprise? Bowling?" I said with disappointment,

"Why? Scared I might beat your pretty ass?" He said smugly with a smirk, triggering my competitive side.

"Oh hell no! Mr. Myers, you're going down!"

"We'll see about that Ms. Stewart!" He said and we both got out of the car and entered the centre. After Tyler paid for us for a game of an hour, we walked towards our area and got ready for the game.

His turn was first, so he picked up the bowling ball and rolled it down its isle, hitting a strike at first. He looked back at me and said, "what were you saying Cherry?" With a smirk,

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