Chapter 20- Lucky me

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Chapter 20- Lucky me
Tyler's POV

I walk out of her room and enter my own. My brain's a mess right now. I need to have a warm shower.

I enter the washroom and stand under the warm water cascading over me. I don't know what's wrong with me. Every time I'm near her, something strange happens. I feel the need to pull her closer, I feel the need to kiss her cheek or neck, which I just did a few minutes ago.

I'm completely a different person around her. I'm not the cocky, arrogant jerk self that I am with the other girls. Yes, I'm admitting that I'm all that.

I clear my thoughts and leave the washroom after a while, quickly changing into sweatpants and a loose T-shirt. I walk into Bella and Austin's room to see them having sex. Oh wow! That's the first thing he does? Great!

Ok I shouldn't be saying that because if I had a girlfriend too, I'd do that.

But I don't want a girlfriend. I don't wanna be heartbroken.

I enter Jess' room to see the room empty. She's probably in the washroom. I enter the room before walking closer to the washroom and hearing no water running. I open to see it empty.

Where is she?

I walk downstairs and enter the kitchen to find her making breakfast. There's lots of things going on right now. She sizzling bacon on one pan, frying eggs in the other. She's making the paste for waffles or pancakes I guess. Next to that she's blending mixed berries to make juice.

Woah, that's some multitasking!

As if she felt my presence, she looks up and smiles, and her smile is just beautiful.

I'm complementing her, but that doesn't mean I'm in love with her or I'm falling for her. So chillax.

"Good morning Tyler!" She chirps, making me smile in return.

"Can I help?" I ask,


I walk towards her before standing next to her, handling the eggs while she makes waffles in the waffle machine. I look at her skillful hands maneuvering around the counter. Her hands seem really soft, I feel like holding it.

Not that I haven't, because I have, more than once.

I focus on making the bacon and eggs while she makes the waffles. The juice was all ready, just sitting there in the blender.

"Something smells delicious!" I look up to see Bella and Austin, "is Jess cooking?" She asks,

"Yes I am." She answers,

"Oh my god then I can't wait to have breakfast! They're the best!" She says and runs towards the small dining table before taking her seat. Austin sits next to her, I start placing the plates in front of them and four other plates opposite them.

The waffles, juice, bacon and eggs were now all ready to indulge in. I take my seat and watch as she pours juice in everyone's glass. On the small plate she puts everyone's waffles, pouring chocolate syrup over two waffles before topping them off with strawberries and some whipped cream.

On the other two she pours just maple syrup and sprinkles some cinnamon powder on top. After giving the bacon and eggs, she took her seat next to me.

Right now looking at the table with the delicious food in front of me, all I can think of is eating it in one go. The breakfast looks really appetizing, and I can't wait to start eating.

"What are you guys waiting for? Start eating!" Jess exclaims and we did as she said.

Bella was true. The breakfast is amazing, and I can have it almost have it everyday because Jess lives with me.

Lucky me!

Yada, yada, yada, all this talking is too boring right? Let me just shut up.

Quote:"oh no no no, this isn't how our story ends, so hold me tight, hold me tight or don't."
- Hold me tight or don't, Fall Out Boys

Sending love your way

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