Chapter 12: Haru's human?

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Hatake Raka's POV:
When we arrived dad was at his desk waiting for us. He gestured us to sit on the chairs. We all took our seats and dad started explaining.
"There are two reasons that your team was formed. The first is due to my son Naruto and the second is because of my son Raka. 12 years ago, the Kyuubi attacked Konoha. I was unable to kill it and instead opted to seal it."
"Um Hokage?" Sakura interrupted.
"What do you need Sakura?" Dad asked.
"Um, my parents told me about it. They said that the yondaime summoned a giant snake and killed the Kyuubi." Dad nodded his head.
"That was indeed the story released to the villigers. The reality of the event was I sealed, the Kyuubi. The giant snake was uses to cover it up. The Kyuubi was sealed into Naturo's body and he became it's junjiriki. A junjiriki is a person which can harness the power of their Bijuu and eventually summon the Bijuu." Dad Waited for Sakura to digest the information.

Haruno Sakura's POV:
I was having trouble digesting this information, Naruto is actually some really powerful person? When my brain no longer felt like it was going to overload, I noticed that Raka and Sasuke didn't react, they already knew, well if it doesn't bother Sasuke it won't bother me! The Hokage asked Raka a question.
"Raka I was originally going to wait for you to tell them your self, but you never intended to to tel them did you?"

Tell us what? Does he have some sort of power as well? Is that why the guards were looking at him strangely?
"No" Raka said quietly.
"They need to know, for their own safety. Raka, Haru, Kakashi please leave the room. I'll inform them of the situation."
Our new instructor and Raka left the room, who's Haru?
"Haru's the snake." The Hokage said to me.
"Thank you." I replied stupidly.

I looked at Sasuke and noticed he looked curious, he doesn't know either? I looked at Naruto and he had a serious expression for once. They both don't know?

"I'll start with this I guess." The Hokage said and pushed forwards a piece of paper with Raka's information on it.
"Raka and Haru are 23 years old. Oh, and Haru's human."
"What? How's that possible!" Naruto yelled clearly surprised and Sasuke had a shocked look on his face.
"Calm down Naruto, Raka is two years younger than Kakashi,  their father died 21 years ago, Raka wouldn't have been born if he was only 12."
"Why does he look so young? He's only barely younger than my brother!" Sasuke asked.
"Raka, went through a rough childhood, he was born with all eight of his gates open and had the ability to see Chakra. When his father died he ended up living with an Anbu agent which was his body guard previously. However, unknown to us that agent was a traitor, he replaced Raka with an imposter and kidnapped him. Raka was held captive underground and experimented on. He was given a drug which prevented aging, but it was only effective on children under 5 years old. Haru was also a test subject in the lab. Haru was originally human, he was a Raka's twin brother which was kidnapped at the same time. The two were experimented on and Haru was made into a snake, he was the snake everyone though I summoned during the Kyuubi attack. When the two were being experimented on they had their minds linked, they now have a relationship similar to a Bijuu and a junjiriki. He also has the chakra reserves superior to a Junjiriki. However, it is usually sealed. This was all possible because they were twins, due to the pack forbidding any hidden village from having two junjiriki's, we must keep him a secret."

That, how am I supposed to react to that?
"How long was he captured for?" Sasuke asked.
"He escaped during the Kyuubi attack, regrettably we didn't even know he was gone."

We were given time to digest the information. Before Raka's speech patterns drove me insane, but after hearing his past I'm surprised he can still bring him self to speak at all. The story seems to have activated my maternal instincts.

"The last thing I have to say is that although he's like a junjiriki he is not one. Junjiriki's have their Bijuus sealed within them selves, but Raka's can move around on its own and even use nijitsu. This means he will be targeted if people find out. I put the people with the highest potential in one group to help protect him, for if his identity is discovered he would be killed."

All the information was surreal, but I decided I'll protect this team!

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