Chapter 2: Seperation

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Hatake Kakashi's POV:
Raka ignored what father asked and kept drinking his bottle of milk. Dad sighed and waited, when Raka starts drinking he refuses to listen to anyone until he's finished. We waited until he finished, his eight bottles he crawled to me and sat on my lap. Raka has an appetite five times larger than an average ninja, which is already larger than a civilians. Raka despite eating so much, is underweight, the doctor said he needs to consume more nutrients, but that's not possible until he gets older. He barely has anny baby fat on his body, which is worrying, I promised mom I would look after him and I don't want to break that promise. Raka lifted his head to look at me, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Get along Kaka?" He asked, this is another one of his quirks. We all know he can speak properly, he just won't unless you can't understand, then he'll speak in full sentences. If you ask why he says 'no worth.'
"With the smoke?" I asked humoring what he called it. He nodded his head and yawned. It's almost his nap time, along with his unusual appetite, he also sleeps much longer then a usual child. He leaned against me, the back of his head resting against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him to properly support my brother, slowly rocking him to sleep.
"Raka the smoke you see what does it look like?" Father asked.
"Bluw." Raka tiredly stumbled over his words.
"What happens when I do this?" Dad said whilst moulding chakra into lightning. Cool, I want to be able to do that.
"Silrer." Raka mumbled before falling asleep. Father was excited and wanted to wake Raka up. I glared at him and whispered,
"Don't wake him up." Father gave in and went to see the Hokage, I won't let anyone harm you Raka, I'll protect you.

Hatake Raka's POV:
A year has passes since father found out I can see chakra, he made me see the Hokage and other people. What they found was that I didn't possess the eight inner gates, like everyone else. This caused me to sleep and drink more than a usual child. They couldn't explain how my body hadn't disintegrated from the excess power or why my body looked normal without the red skin or blue sweat. What they did find however is a light greenish blue butterfly birthmark on the top of my spine at the base of my neck. The butterfly gathers the excess chakra and channels it there, preventing it from damaging my body. The butterfly after a week of chakra gathering slowly solidifies into a crystal. At the end of the week the butterfly as thin as paper falls off my spine. The butterflies are stronger than steel and when infused with my chakra can be used as weapons, but can only be used for a predetermined length of time. I suspect if my chakra control improves the length of my butterfly control ability will increase. Some people wanted to experiment on me, but naturally that wasn't allowed.

Kaka's going to the academy, tomorrow, so I walked into his room. He was getting ready for bed when he saw me enter the room. I raised my arms asking him to pick me up, last time I tried climbing on a bed I accidentally broke it. Being small is really inconvenient, if I was bigger I could just sit down with out exerting strength. He bent down to pick me up, he placed me on his hip and walked to the bed.
"Sleep Kaka?" I asked. Kaka always understands what I mean and he put me under the cover with him.
"Of course you can." He spoke next to my ear. I fell asleep in Kaka's arms that night.

"Bye bye." I said waving to kaka who was leaving with dad to go to school. I was left with a person from Anbu, who's name I keep forgetting. He's my body guard, because of my ability people have tried to kidnap me multiple times. I spent the day absorbing Chakra and spiritual energy. In the afternoon, I trained my body then had my nap. After waking up I repeated my routine until Kaka came home.
"Kaka!" I yelled and ran over to him, I stopped dead in my tracks before i reached him, so I wouldn't hurt him when I touched him with my monstrous strength. Kaka picked me up, placing me on his hip, "Hello, Raka." Kaka smiled and walked over to the couch. Kaka told me about his day, he met the son of dad's friend named Might Guy. Apparently, Guy started his one sided rivalry already. I laughed at Kaka's description and yawned. I snuggled up against Kaka's chest slowly falling into a deep sleep. I knew Kaka was worried about me, I slept and ate too much, but never felt full or energetic.

This routine continued until three months later when dad died on a mission. I didn't remember what mission our father died on so I was unable to prevent it. Kaka took it badly, he became depressed and would only talk to me. Kaka started living alone with dad's friends checking in on him to make sure he was fine. Unfortunately it was decided he wasn't old enough to take care of me and I was to be taken away and live with my body guard until I was old enough to take care of my self, then I could return.

I was reluctant to go, I came to treat Kaka as family in the past two years. I don't want to be separated, but he agreed with the Hokage, he wasn't able to take care of me. I cried in his arms, I don't want to go and it almost convinced him. I'd never cried before not even when dad died because I was expecting it, but being separated from my only family, that made me sad.

Eventually I was forced to go, but every step I took left deep depressions on the ground because my emotions, made me lose control of my strength. My eyes never left his, hoping he'd change his mind, I was begging him with my eyes not to abandon me.
"I'll write to you and come and see you on weekends Raka. Don't cry any more okay?" Kaka said to me, I nodded in response wiping away the tears that were on my cheeks, no longer able to see Kaka.

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