She immediately got into a stance on her branch, there was no possible way that something could move that fast.

No human could run that fast. Hermes fast. Artemis turned to look down at her hunters, "Hunters ready, something is approaching."

Artemis caught a few smiles from the hunters, 'must be the rush of a predator's instincts', She thought.

Artemis looked back to the camp, she closed her eyes, extending her senses once more. She focused, slowing her breath.

She felt the presence on the opposite side of the enemies camp.She opened her eyes. Artemis held her breath as she waited for something to happen.

Her eyes widened when she saw a black figure plummet towards the ground. Her eyes followed it but she couldn't comprehend what was happening.

She saw it disappear right when it was at ground level. Her mouth opened slightly in confused awe but she closed it almost immediately.

'What was that?'

Her eyes were pinned to the spot where the figure disappeared, she didn't realize that something happened until she heard the familiar "pop" of a monster's death.

Artemis scanned the monster camp, looking for the gold remains. When her eyes landed on the gold dust she saw the figure that had disappeared.

She was tempted to take out her bow and shoot, but she needed to see what was going to happen next.

Artemis felt confusion wash over her as the monsters stepped back from the figure, 'why would Monsters be scared of some wannabe ninja?'

The figure's voice broke the silence of the night, "What? Scared of little old me?"

Artemis' nose scrunched up in disgust, 'males'.

That voice, she could tell it was one to be afraid of, but it was so familiar. Artemis had made many enemies during her immortal life, she didn't need another one.

But she couldn't assume that this was an enemy; if this male was the reason why the monsters were disappearing than she couldn't kill him. At least not yet.

Artemis hesitated, reaching for her bow. The male could be one of her old enemies. She sighed, restraining herself. She couldn't take the chance.

She took in a sharp breath. She had forgotten to observe. The figure held beautiful dual scythes, and he held them very loose, not very masterful like.

"Now, why are you all so scared of me?" the male asked. Artemis leaned forward, 'yes, why are they so scared of you?'

When the monsters answer reached her ears she almost jumped for joy but also felt fear rush through her.

"Because you are Apoth, Death, and Destroyer of our kin."

Finally, Artemis had her answer as to why the monsters were disappearing.

But still, a questioned seemed to itch her, 'Why are they scared of someone so weak?'

She inched forward, and she barely heard the figure speak. "That's right, and never forget it," he whispered, leaning forward.

The monster trembled, shivering under the harsh gaze of the figure. Then, it simply died, turning into gold dust. All from a look. Definitely not weak.

Artemis felt sweat begin to form on her forehead as she got a feel of the being's true power. She growled, she should've known not to underestimate anything concerning her mission.

There was a reason why these monsters feared this being, and yet she still was oblivious. She should have known better.

The sound of metal on metal snapped her out of her thoughts; she quickly turned, expecting some sort of battle.

The Plasma Paradox |The Anak Series| [COMPLETED!]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن