Charlie Conway~😍Daddy Daughter Time😍

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Authors Note: This Is For my best friend Lola who is in love with Charlie Conway and also this is also in modern day time. 

(Lola's POV)

Me and Charlie just had our little girl named Evangelina a few months ago and today I had been invited out to the mall and I couldn't handle bringing  Evangelina so I had to leave her with Charlie  alone for the first time. I'm nervous since I have been around kids and babies my whole life and Charlie is an only child. I know he is going to be with Adam, Dwayne and Luis but they are very hard to handle sometimes but I guess I have to trust him.

( Charlie's POV)

I got Evangelina's dipper bag and all that stuff before heading out to my car and strapping her into her seat before driving down the road to Adam's  house with Lola in the passenger seat smiling at Evangelina who keeps laughing as she makes funny faces at her. I smile and grab her hand while 1 is still on the steering wheel. She smiles and says " Where here".

I pulled into the driveway before parking the car and getting out to get Evangelina . When we where all out and we had the diaper bag I handed Evangelina to Lola and said " Princess ready to spend the day with daddy and your uncles". She giggle and said " Dadada". I almost started crying since that was her first word. Lola handed her to me and Evangelina kept saying " Dadada" while clapping her hands or trying to grab my nose. Lola said " Wow she really is a daddy's girl".

I smiled and said " I guess she is". I kissed Evangelina's and Lola's cheek before we walked to the front door and knocked. Adam opened the door and Evangelina said " Dadada" thinking that Adam was Me . Adam laughed before taking Evangelina from me and saying " I'm not your daddy silly girl". Evangelina went to try and grab his nose but he moved and Evangelina slapped him and started laughing.

Me and Lola tried so hard not to laugh but that didn't work and when we started laughing  Evangelina started laughing even more.Evangelina then said " wadam. Adam looked at her and said " Yes I'm Adam not your dad". Wow two words in one day. Lola, Connie, Skye, Julie left so it was just me, Adam , the guys that came a little after and Evangelina . Well this is going to be a challenge for me.

Adam let us in and soon everyone was in the living room wanting to hold Evangelina. Evangelina was loving the attention but kept saying " Dadada" the whole time. Soon Evangelina got scared and screamed " Dadada" before bursting out into tears. I took her off Fulton and started rocking her back and forth before she eventually calmed down and started trying to grab my nose again. When she grabbed it she started laughing again and I said " Wanna play with some toys princess Evangelina ". She started jumping up and down in my arms and I knew she did.

We sat on the floor in front of the couch and I put some of her toys on the floor that she instantly played with and I didn't realize that people where taking pictures till my phone went off and said " GOLDBURGTHEGOLIE ADDED A NEW POST". I opened my phone and clicked on Instagram and this was the first thing that showed.

 I opened my phone and clicked on Instagram and this was the first thing that showed

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GoldburgTheGolie: My cute Adorable niece looking at her daddy

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Lola_Conway10: Looks like its going really well

Coach_Bombay: She's so cute put she better be on my team when she grows up.

I smiled and stood up since It was almost Evangelina's nap time and Adam has a crib in his room for when ever Evangelina comes over so and soon too be his daughters bed since he is having a girl soon with Skye.  I said to Adam " Adam i'm gonna put Evangelina to sleep in your room so please tell everyone else to be quiet so she can sleep". 

I walked to Adam's room after grabbing Evangelina's sleep stuff and the diaper bag. I quickly changed her and smiled when she started giggling when I was changing her into her pj's. I picked her up and put her in the crib and see just feel asleep when there was a loud bang and that woke Evangelina up and she started screaming then crying. I picked her up and tried to calm her down but she didn't.

" Evangelina, please stop crying. Mom will be home soon" I said to my little girl who won't stop crying and has been for the last 15 minutes. She looked at me weird before starting to laugh me since I called Lola mommy and I never do that. I then remembered the song I heard Lola play to her. I picked her up out of her crib and picked her up and sat in the rocking chair and placed her on my lap before I started humming "Do you wanna build a snowman" that she seems to like a lot.

I took out my phone and opened the playlist that Lola made for her night time songs. I clicked play and put in in my pocket before holding my daughter to my chest. I rocker her back and forth while looking into her eyes. I have no clue how I was blessed with my little girl. Me and My mom left when we where little and I am so blessed to have her. Evangelina grabbed my finger pulling me out of my thought. I looked at her and she was rubbing her eyes. I then thought about Lola. I hope she was okay. She's fine I told myself. She's with Julie, Skye, Connie and Lily.

When I looked back at Evangelina she was asleep and It remind me of how blessed I am to have her in my life and how I would never give her up for anything. I was smiling looking down at her and said " I love you my princess" before hearing a flash go off. I looked up and said " Hey princess". I got up and put Evangelina into the crib before walking over to her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed a kiss on her lips before saying " How was your day princess with Julie, Connie, Skye and Lily". She smiled and said " Okay in till I saw the photo of Evangelina and started missing you and my princess like crazy". I smiled and said " Come tell me about you day while Evangelina sleeps okay". She said " Okay" before being able to spend some time with her in quiet for once since Evangelina was born. Soon my princess was asleep on my lap. I kissed her forehead nap let her sleep. She needs it especially since I found out number 2 is on it's way. We she doesn't know I know. I found the results of a test. Well I'm happy anyway so It doesn't matter

( Song is #1)

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