Mr. February

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Title: Mr.February 

Inspired by a real human. 




Keep all emotions within,

The only way to retain your masculinity.

But he was born in February

The month of sensitive beings

                       of dedicated people

Of People who care just a little too much

People who a little too messy

But isn't that what makes it easy to love somebody from February?




Keep all emotions within


He wears his heart on his sleeve.

Emotions bare on his face, his only mask.

Cause no matter how hard he tries to mask his feelings

They show.

He is a February being

Every woman's dream

A dream that always gets 'friend-zoned'





Just can't seem to fit together in the same sentence.

A dream filled with the sense of humor of your bestfriend


Can 'Mr.February' be turned into a lover?




Hey my lovlies!

Happy New Year. Hope your 2018 is filled with love, laugh and happiness.

Hope you enjoyed this poem. It was a "commission" poem of sorts and I actually liked how it turned out.

Stay beautiful darlings


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