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Author: Shania Acker

Date written: 17/03/16


Dedicated to Gabby (RIP Angel)

What happens when we're gone?


Many say we go home....

But where is home?

Is home where our families are?

Or is it where our friends are?

Maybe it's where they aren't.


When someone is gone

We are the ones left to live on.

And listen to people say "You should move on"

BUT how can one move on

When no one wants to accept that the person is gone.

So you see in reality it's the dead that lives on.

Gabby lives on.


She lives on in our minds.

She lives on in our smiles.

She lives on in the tears that fill up our eyes.


She lives on.

And when we die......

She will continue to live.

Live in the memories we shared with our loved ones

For she, Gabby, impacted so many lives

Before she left and we cried.

She lives on.

She lives on in our prayers

(The ones said for only God's ears)

She lives on in the music

(The soothing lyrics that help us get through all this)

She lives on in the souls

(The souls she touched with her tender hands, leaving a mark like no one else can)

She was one in a billion.

Yes, Gabby was a special one

She didn't live her life like it's Golden

She made other people's lives golden

And she will remain constant

So today I tell all of you

Be like Gabby

Be beautiful

And no, not the outer beauty that everyone sees

But have her inner beauty that everyone cherishes

Yes, I urge you

Be like Gabby

Be happy by making others happy

And not just your family

And not just your friends

But everyone you encounter

For to be like Gabby means you get to live on for eternity

Yes eternity, not physically

But rather in people's minds

In people's heart

In people's soul

And in people's way of life

For like Gabby


You have a choice to be kind

You have a choice to be loving

You have a choice to live life to the fullest

You have a choice to make someone's life worth it

So today make your choice

Choose to be one of the many individuals

Who will make such a legend live on

And Gabby will live on

In all of us

For she isn't gone

We are her legacy

And with this legacy

We can be sure that she will live on

Believe me when I say

Christina Gabriella Francis lives on!

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