Chapter Forty-four

Start from the beginning

The sound of something hitting the floor captures my attention, and one of yelling voices cuts out abruptly. Bear is no longer standing with his nose pressed into the corner, but is now sprawled out on some pillows haphazardly thrown onto the floor behind him, his eyes closed.

"What the fuck?" I yell, darting completely inside the house and running over to him. I gently cradle him in my arms, his eyelids fluttering slightly as I move him. "What's wrong with him? Call 911!!"

"Ooooooo Skills said a potty word!" Bug exclaims, no longer crying.

Killer laughs from beneath Bug, quirking an eyebrow at me as she watches me try to shake the boy awake.

"Why are you just sitting there?!" I screech, patting his face roughly to try and wake him up. "Do something!!"

"Calm down Shills, before you pass out too," she laughs again, leaning her head against Bug's. "I'm not freaking out because this isn't the first time this has happened. Why do you think I laid down the pillows?"

I look down at the pillows underneath the boy I hold limply in my arms. "This has happened before?"

"More than I care to admit," she laughs again, although she bites her lip nervously. "I told you my family was weird."

The boy starts to come around in my arms, his head tossing back and forth as he stretches his arms above his head. He groans quietly as he arches out of my arms and rolls onto his stomach.

"Is it snack time?" He mumbles, rubbing one of his eyes with his palm.

"No, but it's time for you to stand your butt in that corner again," Killer doesn't hesitate with her comeback, nodding to the corner Bear was just standing in.

My eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets, shocked Killer isn't letting him out of his punishment after he literally passed the fuck out.

"You don't think you should let hi—"

"No I don't," Killer interrupts, not even letting me finish my suggestion. "Reagan did chose to do something knowing he was going to get in trouble. So now he is going to deal with the consequences of his actions."

She looks pointedly at Bear as he slowly rolls to his knees and then his feet, unsteady on his short little legs. "Society isn't going to give you a get out of jail free card just because you scream and act a fool. So you need to stand in the corner silently for 3 minutes and then come apologize to Bug."

The boy grumbles something under his breath but then falls silent as he shoves his nose back into the corner. I look in amazement from Killer to Bear and then back again.

She's absolutely amazing.

I stand up from my awkward crouch on the floor and walk back over to the couch to sit next to Killer, almost afraid to make eye contact with her. Is this what having a family should be like?Holding people accountable like this?

The next three minutes pass by even more awkwardly than I expect, as Bug starts to subtly tease Bear that he got in trouble and Killer so graciously reminds her that there are plenty more corners in the house she can stand in too. Once the three minutes are up Bear trudges over to the couch, standing in front of Bug who is still sitting on Killer's lap.

"Amshowwymug," He grumbles, refusing to look at any of us.

"I'm sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you." Killer's face is stone cold as she glares expectantly at the little boy.

"I'm sorry, Bug!" He exclaims, crossing his arms over his chest as he still refuses to look at us.

"For?" Killer prompts.

"For pushing Bug down, grabbing her Barbie and shoving it down the garbage disposal before turning it on!" Bear continues exasperatedly.

Bug frowns as now she is the one to look away. "I accept your apology."

"See, that wasn't so hard!" Killer finally smiles, leaning over to kiss the boy on his forehead. "Now, go to your room until I call you back downstairs."

Bear groans loudly but moves toward the stairs without any obvious complaints, smart enough not to push her any further. Now that this situation is taken care of Killer turns on the television to some cartoon, and then picks Bug up from her lap and puts her on the couch before she moves to stand up.

"So Shills," Killer smiles at me deviously as she walks around the couch toward the kitchen. "Have you ever pulled doll hair out of a garbage disposal without breaking the blades?"

I stand up from the couch, moving to follow her into the kitchen. "I can confidently say I have not."

She stops in front of the sink, rolling up the sleeves on her jacket as she keeps grinning at me. "Wanna learn?"

"I'm pretty sure I'd have to learn sooner or later." I can't help but smile as I walk into the kitchen, stopping in right next to her in front of the sink. "Might as well make it sooner."

A/N New year, New Chapters!! 

I know, I know, this chapter was kinda bland, but if y'all haven't noticed I'm definitely more of a slow burn author if you haven't noticed. I want y'all to fall in love with everyone! Well....not everyone. You already know who I don't want you to fall in love with lmao

But yeah here's the new chapter! Do you feel like Killer is getting a little more comfortable around Shills, and letting him see how her family really is? Do any of y'all have siblings that's that crazy? Because I have plenty of siblings and cousins that act like Bear and Bug!

Well, now that the holidays are over I'm trying to get back to my regular posting schedule! I'll let you know if anything changes!

Much Love,


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