Part 3: Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

Harry was standing in the doorway trying to keep his calm. Ginny always got what she wanted. "Dudley and Marsha, Aunt Petunia, please come in," he said through gritted teeth.

Dudley's wife Marsha smiled as she walked in and Albus took her coat. Jason and Janette followed their mother's cue and greeted the Potters with smiles. Dudley and Petunia entered the house silently with no emotion on their faces.

"Uh, thank you for having us over Harry," Dudley said, extending his hand for Harry to shake.

Harry stared at it for a moment before Ginny nudged him and he shook his cousin's hand.

They all stood in awkward silence until Ginny snapped back into hostess mode and ushered them all into the dining room to eat. Jason sat next to James and Jennifer and they quickly began discussing the latest broom technology. Marco stiffened when he saw Janette. They had dated the year prior and things had not ended well. Harry made sure to seat Dudley and Petunia as far away from him as possible.

Dinner was painfully awkward at the adult table with only the occasional chatter from Aries and Melissa when Hermione asked about their travels. As soon as he finished eating, Harry stood up abruptly and stalked out of the dining room to his study.

"Thank you so much for having us over for Christmas dinner Ginny," Marsha said kindly.

Ginny smiled. "Of course! You're family. It's about time we had you over."

Dudley cleared his throat next to his wife. "Ginny," he started quietly. "If it's not to much trouble, I'd like to have a word with cousin Harry."

Ginny blinked at him for a moment before she recovered. "Uh, sure! Well, let me go ask him." She stood up quickly and rushed out of the room.

She came back a moment later and beckoned Dudley to follow her.

Albus and Athena saw all of this and shared a look with one another. They slipped away from their table discreetly and headed up the stairs to Albus' room.

Some years prior, Albus had discovered that his room was directly above his father's study and a loose floor board allowed him to see and hear the goings on inside. He and Athena sat on the floor to eavesdrop of the conversation between Harry and Dudley.

Harry sat behind his desk with his hands crossed under his chin, studying his cousin who sat on the other side with a nervous expression.

"You've done well for yourself cousin," Dudley started.

"Thank you."

"Um, well. Marsha and I are so grateful you invited us over for Christmas--"

"I didn't invite you. My wife did," Harry interjected harshly.

"Right. Well, um--"

"Is there anything in particular you would like to discuss? Or would you like to continue rambling?"

Dudley sighed. "You must know how sorry I am for how I treated you when we were younger. And I realize that I can't go back and undo the pain I caused you but I really would like to have a relationship with your family."

Harry's eyebrows rose. "And how does your mother feel about this?"

"She's older now and lonely. And I think she has deep regret about how she and my father treated not just you but your parents as well. Of course she's too proud to say this, but she's here. And I didn't have to convince her to come. She asked to come."

"Really?" Harry asked skeptically.

Dudley nodded.

"Why now? After all these years," Harry asked.

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