"What do you know about her background?"

"Her background? Nothing, really." Aaron felt a twinge of unease at the direction of the questioning and how the man was eyeing them.

"She hasn't talked about herself," Jason offered. "She's a bit reserved... but she's not shy."

"She's a workaholic," Aaron added.

"She's got an accent. Her English is funny... Strange, I mean."

"Yeah, she's not American."

"So," the man jotted another note, "she could be an undocumented immigrant."

"We didn't say that," Aaron blurted, alarmed. "And she wouldn't have anything to do with this fire."

The man locked his gaze with Aaron. "You wouldn't know that, now would you? That's why I'm here to investigate. Now, have you noticed anything suspicious about her?"

"No. Absolutely not."

"There's nothing suspicious about her at all," Jason said. "She's just Mickmi."

Something occurred to Aaron. "I can tell you something suspicious happening lately. Somebody's been stalking her. In a black Dodge Aspen sedan. Maybe they did it." That should divert the man's focus from Mickmi. Aaron met Jason's gaze, knowing he'd broken a promise. But somehow he felt Danny wouldn't mind in this case. At least, he hoped so. If it could get rid of the stalker... If it would lead to the person responsible... He didn't doubt that man was capable of arson.

"Yeah," Jason said. "I saw him too."

The man turned to the next page and scribbled some more. "Who?"

"A man," Aaron responded. "There may have been two. But we saw this one at the Spectacular. Danny confronted him there."


"Friday afternoon."

"Can you describe him?"

"Yes!" both of them answered, then exchanged glances. They took turns describing the man Danny had been so adamant about, relieved to unburden themselves of that secret.

The man nodded as he took notes. "Sounds like we might have something there." He looked up and eyed them as he wiped his forehead with a handkerchief. "Well, that's it for now. Thank you, gentlemen. If I have more questions, I will let you know." He nodded at them and walked back to his car.

"Where's he from?" Jason asked. "He didn't look like a cop."

"ATF." Aaron frowned. Something about the man didn't feel right.

"ATF?" Jason echoed.

"Yeah... Alcohol Firearms something department. Said his name was Smith. Did you notice how he was sweating?"

"Yeah... That was..."

Jason trailed off as they watched the car roll by them. It was a Dodge Aspen with two other men in it.

"... weird. Is that... the same car?" he asked, as it accelerated past their estate wagon and left the industrial area.

As the car turned out of sight, Ray's red Charger appeared and slowed to a crawl. The brothers approached as it halted in front of Mr. Myers' car. Ray got out with his eyes and mouth wide in disbelief.

"Yeah... it's us," Aaron said and gave him the rundown of what they'd learned so far.

"Though I can't understand why they'd be so interested in Mickmi," Jason added.

"Maaan... What are you g-gonna do? How's the boss?"

Aaron shook his head and looked across Ray's car to the station wagon.

Shadow Of The Past Trilogy ∞ THE DISPLACEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ