chapter 16:

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Sophie pov:

I woke up to the feeling of someone watching me. Haha must be James. I open my eyes with a smile on my face only to have the dreadful memories from yesterday flood through.

Oh god!

I open my eyes only to be met with the one person that I had ever so much hatred for. Damon knight.

All those times when I felt someone watching me I was right. It was HIM. I should have told James. If I'd have told him I would not have been here.

I looked around the room and saw a Window. I can escape. "Don't even think about it princess. You're all mine now and  I don't want to be punishing you so soon" he said smirking.

"Don't call me that! That name is only to be said by my love and that is James grey and not you, you fucking bastard!" I screamed.

He came rushing to me with his vampire speed and dragged me out of bed pushing me onto the floor making me land on my stomach. I groaned in pain.

"Don't EVER speak to me like that or mention that dicks name in front of me. You little bitch. I love you, I had you first. your mine don't fucking doubt me you whore! How dare you lose your virginity and not only that become pregnant as well! Well not for long because I'll have that baby out of there in no time. "

I felt tears rush down my eyes at his words . He continued kicking me in the stomach while I tried protecting my only hope. My unborn child with my hands.

"If y-you love me w-why are y-you hurting m-me! "

How could someone be so cruel?

James, I need you . We need you. Find me my love and hold me in your arms again.

That was my last thought before darkness consumed me.

James pov:

It's been 3 whole days without my love. I couldn't do anything. I felt lifeless.

Where was she? Was she alright? Had he hurt her and the baby?

I was going crazy and no one could do anything. I felt completely useless. How could I be so damn careless. If only I had kept her with me. Why did I turn my back from her? Why! I promised myself I would keep her safe and I broke that promise.

I had to get her back. I would give my life to get her back. She was my life now.

I washed my face and freshened up. I HAVE to find my love now. Every second counts.

I round up all my men and set them out to try tracking where my princess could be.

"Listen up men. Your luna is missing . She has been kidnapped by Damon knight. Our biggest enemy. I NEED you to help find my princess. Do all you can. I'm sure most of you that have mates must know what I'm feeling so as your alpha I command you to help find my mate. Brett (my second in command) will sort you out. Thats it for now. Update me with anything you find.  You are all dismissed."

It took me so much to not break out into tears during that speech. I've never felt like this before. My princess made me like this. Soft. Thats what I love her for. She's just perfect in every way and I couldn't ask for more and now she's not with me. And it's all my fault. If I don't find her I'll never forgive myself.

"James, are you alright? " I recognised the voice straight away. Leia. I looked up and saw the sadness in her eyes. "No, I'm not. My princess is gone all because of me. All because I wasn't careful enough with her. I can't find her. "

"Listen to me James grey. It is NOT your fault that Sophie was kidnapped. You didn't know it was going to happen. It's fate that this was going to happen. Don't blame yourself. Of all people you should know that Sophie would never want you to feel like this. She would want you to save her. So that's what you need to focus on and even more is she's carrying the child you and her created. You have to find her. Okay! "

I nodded my head .

I'm coming my love. I'll find you and our baby. Just hold on. I love you Sophie.

A:N: hi guys! Another update. Hopefully it's good! Who hates Damon?

Until next time

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