Turn of events

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Y/N = Your name
F/S = Favorite song
F/C = Favorite color
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite color
F/A = Favorite animal
F/A/S = Favorite anime show
F/T/V = Favorite TV show
S/C = Skin color
C/N = Channel name
W/N/N = Wierd nickname (Gargar ex.)
H/C = Hair color
H/L = Hair length
F/D = Favorite Drink
S/N = Ship Name

This chapter is filled with random surprises! Everybody buckle the f--- up, cause here we go. (Does anyone get that?)

Today my parents along with Zane were going to a business party so I was lying on the couch in the living, playing some Overwatch. Sometimes after a performance I just like to relax. I was still in my school uniform, because I was to lazy too change. I was playing with some random people, some of them were good, better than me at least, but others not so much. I was upside down with my legs hanging over the back. I was too focused on my game to relise that Laurance, Dante, Travis, and my brother Garroth were watching me. Somehow my skirt was down but, I didn't know anything until I heard someone clear their throat. Hm? I paused my game and looked to the right. I looked up at them to see who clears their throat, it was Laurance.

"Oh, uh. Hey guys."

"Heeeeeeey~ Y/N." Laurance said. (I know it's Travis's thing, but we must keep him innocent!)

"What are you guys doing h-here?" I'm so embarrassed. I can't believe that happened. In front of the guys!

"Well, Garroth invited us to sleep over. And now I'm glad I came~" Dante came over to the couch and put his arm around me.

"So, are we gonna have this sleepover or what?" Travis asked.

"Sleepover, I wasn't aware this was going on." I looked at Garroth.

"It's to congratulate you on winning." Garroth explained. I feel like that's a lie. And I KNOW it is. (Keep note of that)

"Are you sure it wasn't Laurance's idea." I took Dante's arm off of my shoulder.

"I wish it was~" Is he just going to flirt this whole time? Seriously Laurance.

"Ugh, did you at least invite the girls?" I asked if not, I'm out.

"Yeah, I wouldn't let you stay here with all of the guys, I don't care if they are my best friends. I can't trust anyone to be with you, well except Laurance." Whyyyy is is always Laurance?

"Whatever, who wants to join me playing Overwatch?' These guys can't play Overwatch for the life of them. Most of them, I've never seen Dante play. They took the challenge and each grabbed a controller.

" Ok, team battle. Me, Garroth, and Travis vs Laurance and Dante." I said.

"How come you get three people?" Dante whined.

"My game, my rules." I said.

"Conditions?" Laurance asked.

"Ok, if we win... You make us all bacon, eggs, toast, and pancakes in the morning." Travis said, I'll agree to that.

"And if we win, Y/N.....has to date me." Laurance stated. I glared at him.

"Travis, Garroth. If we lose, I'm killing both of you. Laurance, you're dead either way for suggesting that." I crossed my arms. We started our game, luckily my team won.

"Hope you guys know how to cook~" I cooed at the two members of the losing team. I heard a ring at the doorbell.

(Btw, you're out of your school clothes now!)

"Not it!" I said, something the Ro'maeve houshold knows all to well. Followed by Garroth, Dante, and Laurance. Poor Dante doesn't have to deal with it since he doesn't have any siblings. Travis shot us a 'What?' Look. So I just told him to go get the door. He got it and was followed by a few girls entering our home. Unlike the last sleepover at our house, North was there. I welcomed her and showed her around the house, except my shipping shrines. The less people who know about it the better. When we got back downstairs everyone was either on the floor or couch.

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