First Day

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Y/N = Your name
F/S = Favorite song
F/C = Favorite color
F/F = Favorite Food
F/C = Favorite color
F/A = Favorite animal
F/A/S = Favorite anime show
F/T/V = Favorite TV show
S/C = Skin color
C/N = Channel name
W/N/N = Wierd nickname (Gargar ex.)
H/C = Hair color
H/L = Hair length

"H-Hi." I stuttered

"You were talking to Gene earlier." She said

"Yeah, so?" I asked.

"So, did he say anything about the Shadow Knights?" She asked.

"What's it to ya, he said to recruit more members." I crossed my arms.

"Thought so." She sighed letting out a 'hmph'.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Sorry, I'm Sasha. And you are?" Sasha replied.

"It's Y/N, Y/N Ro'maeve." I said.

"So you're a Ro'maeve?" She had this stupid smirk on her face. Ugh, what is with everyone and smirking? I nodded my head in response.

"Want to join the Shadow Knights?" She asked.

"The Shadow What's?" Im confused.
(Oh, no! Someone help, Y/N is confussled!!!)

"Basically a group of people who hang out during and after school." Sasha said briefly.

"Let me think about it, I have to get to class." I replied.

"OK. If a guy with dark brown hair and eyes talks to you, tell him Sasha said to stop being an idiot." She said.

I started to walk to class when I relized I didn't know where I was going.

"Hey beautiful."

"What?" I turned around and saw one of the biggest casanova's I know. You guessed it, Laurance .

"Oh, hey Laurance." I said.

"Shouldn't you be in class?" He asked.

"I would, buuuut I don't know where it is." I sighed .

"Who did you have?" Laurence asked.

"Mr.Jason" I replied.

"I had him last year. I got Ms.Lia." He replied.

"Yeah, whatever. Can you help me get to class?" I rolled my eyes.

Laurance took me to my class. Once I got there I sat down, and we took Attendance.

"Lucinda Black?"


"Travis Valkrum?"

"Present.""Y/N Ro'maeve?"


"Does that mean- "

I cut him off. "Yes, I'm related to Vylad, Garroth , and Zane."

"I expect a lot from you."

I just rolled my eyes at that. Can my brothers stop leaving legacys everywhere I go. I can't even go to Woolmart without someone talking about them.

"Tyler Jackson?"


"Zenix Shadow?"

There was no response.

"Zenix Shadow are you here? Absent."

"Vylad Ro'maeve"

(I realized they do attendance by last name, but they like I said are cool.)

The Ro'maeve Sister (Pdh X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now