Chapter One

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"Queen? I'm Hoooome!"  Scott yelled as he closed the front door behind him.

"Bitch! In the kitchen with Beau!" Mitch replied.

Scott jogged up the stairs and tossed his jacket on the couch before stepping into the kitchen and sweeping Mitch into a big hug.

"What are y'all up to?" Scott asked while tossing his arm around Mitch's shoulders as he looked to Beau, who was sitting at the island.

"Mitchy and I just got back from lunch at Café Gratitude. Little Miss. Healthy over here force me to throw down an obscene amount of money on a gluten free, vegan breakfast, only to stop on the way back for fully-gluten fully-not-vegan donuts."  Beau pointed to the box, to which Scott skipped over and helped himself to a cookies and cream donut.

Scott then looked to Mitch, who was looking at Beau with a dreamy expression. The two had really hit a good stride lately and Scott was so happy for his best friend. He finally put himself out there and Beau was everything he needed; a little dominant when needed but willing to bend over backwards to make Mitch happy, funny, smart and ready to party. Scott snapped out of his thoughts and looked between them.

"Can I ask you two for some advice?" He paused to wait for their nods, then continued, "Ya know Mark and Mason, we met them at Tyler's party, I just got back from lunch with them and something happened." Scott said. Mitch's head snapped towards him, instantly switching to 'Protective Best Friend Mode'.

"Relax, Mitchy, it's all good. Let's go get comfy." The three men made their way to Scotts room and sat on his bed facing each other.

"So at the party, Mark and Mason pulled me aside at the end of the night. I didn't think much of it. Then Mason got really serious and asked if I was single and all that. Then Mark was like, 'Mason and I have been together for about four years, but we felt something when the three of us were dancing earlier. We want to include you.' We talked about it at lunch today and they were actually serious. We had a fully sober conversation about the three of us becoming a thing".

Both Mitch and Beau looked at Scott wide-eye.

"You're saying you want to be in a throuple." Mitch stated bluntly.

"That's what I wanted to ask you about. I think it could be fun, but how can it not end in disaster? They've been together a really long time and what if I mess all that up?" Scott was looked down at his hands, and Mitch couldn't remember a time he looked so puzzled.

Beau saw this too and added in: "Scott. They know what they are getting themselves into. I hate to say it, but if something goes wrong you're the first one out."

"But what if this goes well? How does marriage, kids, a house, a fucking bed work when there are three people? I can't do this. I lose whether I do this or not, so I might as well save myself the heart break. I'll tell them no."

"Hon, this could be really fun. Think about it, we're gone a lot, so you won't have to worry about leaving behind, because they have each other. We both know your love with your whole heart and that can be a lot for one person to handle. Trust me. Spreading the wealth may not be too bad. And the sex will be INSANE. And don't worry about the future. You can't plan all that, you'll just have to see what happens. They are both really nice guys. I say go for it."

Scott laughed at Mitch and was grateful for his best friend to lighted the mood while still giving actual advice. He had a lot to think about.

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