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Yoongi pov*

The next morning I woke up in my bed my hair was still wet from the shower

I couldn't and didn't want to get up so I just layed back down "yoongi Hyung wake uppppp" tae shouted mocking on my door before barging in "the fuck"

"don't curse me Hyung" he giggles before jumping on me "tae" says jin walking past my room before jungkook barges in and jumps on me too

"what's this a frikin party" I roll my eyes "the doctors h-hear" Jimin says awkwardly

The boys shoot up when she walks in she was beautiful very beautiful she had black hair and green eyes cute freckles and was tall not as tall as me but tall

"hi there Mr min and everyone else I'm hear to check your head if that's okay" I nod and could see all the boys blushing except jin and namjoon they were just smirking at me

"um sorry boys but could you leave" they all sigh and walk out she smiles

"yoongi they have been over working alot of you I just found out from Mr park he was de hydrated" I look at her in shock Jimin never looks tired or anything

"okay your head looks fine but I'm afraid you will need to be supervised because you might faint again" I nod and she goes to tell the other members the she thing

After she left namjoon told me there taking shifts to watch me I was kinda happy they cared this much

It was Jimins turn I was kinda worried it would be Wierd bc the shifts went for 2 hours then it was time to sleep and Jimin was the last shift

"hey" he says walking in "you can sit down" he laughed as I taped my bed he sat down "I hurd you were de hydrated" I say he looks down to his hands

"yeah but I'm fine" I shake my head "Jimin it's okay to have a brake" he smiles a little before lying down at the end of my bed "don't you have Hobi in your dorm" he asks

"no not anymore I'm in hear myself he moved out awhile ago he said me snoring was annoying" Jimin burst out in laughter I roll my eyes

"I hear him in hear at night though" I didn't want to answer bc I knew what Jimin was thinking "Jimin he's my best friend calm down" he laughs

I yawn loudly and he gets up "night yoongi" he says hitting my leg "Jimin.. Thanks for yesterday" he smiles and walks out he didn't close the door behind him but I really didn't care I was to tired to get up


Jimins pov*

I left yoongi's room feeling Wierd I know yoongi doesn't like me in that way but I do to him. It just felt like we were together again

I walk into my room to see him hanging out the side of the bed I giggle and push him back up

Shortly after I fell asleep

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