12 / part two

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I nod.... 

Yoongi pauses for a second then smiles "you finally admitted it baby" I look up at him shocked I sorta wanted to cry I shouldn't of told him it was a mistake

"b-but you d-dont like me" he steps even closer "why do you look like your about to cry baby"

"a-are you going to answer" I say nearly bursting out in tears "no baby I can't answer"

He picks me up and placed me on a table in my room "can I kiss you now" he asked and I just nod

He moves up against me pressing his lips against mine it was a passionate kiss but rough. I stopped as I felt a tear down my face "baby don't cry it's nothing to be sad about"

"yoongi I'm gay and no one knows except you" he just smiles and kisses me again this time moving his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance I let him. He touched every inch of my mouth making  sure not to leave any part out.

He placed me on the bed and cut the kiss I could feel my cheeks warming up "I have to go I'll be back soon okay please don't do anything bad while I'm gone" be says I sob and sigh rolling onto my side curling up I felt his hand on my waist

"it will be okay"

------- 7:00 pm

"baby I'm home" I hear from the front door "I was about to fall asleep on the couch "Jimin you've been crying alot" he say worringly looking at my eyeS I him in response

He picks me up and carry's me to my room he lifts me hands up to take my T-shirt off  "Jiminie if you want I can tell you a story" I just nod I snuggle up to him my face in his neck "comfortable" I nod again

"okay once there was a six year old boy he had a perfect life and a little sister that was a month old she was gorgeous just like her mum. One day they all decided to go out for dinner unfortunately on the way they where involved in a serious car accident and the mother died. Two years later the father found a new woman but she was cruel and strict. When she got mad she would sexually abused her new kids. Unfortunately one day they found out there son was gay they punished him All day every day they tried to force him to like girls until the father gave up and left leaving the kids with a step mom that kicks cuts punches them. As the boy got older he had to fight for himself bc he got kicked out his home for being gay then he met these Wierd friends and ever since his life got much much better" yoongi finished with a tear down his cheek I quickly put my head up and start crying "please Jiminie don't cry" I knew the boy was him i knew what he had gone through now I knew he was gay and got abused because of it

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