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It was the next day but it was a public holiday so I was alone. I lived by myself in a massive house my mum had bought me. She was always off doing work or making other people work

She did love me very much and any chance she gets she would come visit me. My phone started to ring while I was making pancakes

Hello Jiminnnn
Hey jungkook
Can you come round mine today
Yeah sure what time
12:00 and all the boys are coming to
K sounds fun Ill see you later
Byeeee jiminieeeeeee...

I hung up the phone and laughed at the nickname he had given me. I was excited to go to jungkooks house to meet up but I was kinda scared of yoongi


"hey Jimin come in" jin greets me at the door. I see you everyone on the couch watching a movie except namjoon and yoongi they were lying on the floor on there phones

We where all watching the movie when namjoon and jin call us  for lunch. Yoongi didn't come he stayed on the couch

I was the first finished so I headed back to the lounge yoongi moved his legs so I could sit. Yoongi was hot really hot. I've been gay for a while now but not openly gay

I could feel my cheeks getting red and yoongi notices "you need help" he said smirking "n-no it's just really hot" I shot up off of the couch and went back to the kitchen yoongi rolled his eyes


"see you guys at school on Monday" I said leaving the house it was late very late it was very dark too. I pause to see a man following me he was tall and had a beer in his hand

I started walking quickly but he did too I started to run but I herd laughing behind me the man was now running at me

He pushes me into some bushes "get o-off me" he licked his lips "a-a a pretty boy like you shouldn't be walking around at this hour or he he he might just get something re-sized" I struggle to push him off

He leans down and starts undoing my pants "who the fuck are you get off of me" I could feel tears starting to roll down my face "big or small" he laughs
Then I see yoongi running towards me holding a fist out about to punch the man turns around to then get a punch in the face he falls then flees

"Jimin you FUCK TARD what the hell were you thinking" I start to cry more then yoongi picks me up "wheres your house idiot" I point to the street he opens the door and places me down onto the table

"I knew you were an idiot but not that bigger idiot" yoongi steps back and looks around "so you are that rich kid arn't you" I nod in pain "what's hurting he says walking back to me" "m-my leg"

He picks me up again and takes me to the bathroom and grabs the first aid kit "how did you find me" I say blushing at how close yoongi was to me "I live a couple streets away and I was walking back namjoon was coming to my house but I'll have to cancel"

I shake my head "no I'll be fine" "no you won't your leg is fractured idiot" a strick of pain went up my leg "ahh" I yell yoongi then takes my shirt off making me blush as hard as I possibly can

He smirks then gets back to dressing my wounds

\\ Only A Word //जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें