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I woke up in a hospital bed with yoongi besides me "y-yoongi" I try to say his eyes flutter open then a tear runs down his face "Jimin"

I try to get up but there were Wierd cords attached to me "Jimin stop you have to rest" he said pushing me back down

"y-yoongi w-whatt hhappend" I say letting our a cough at the end

"baby you stopped breathing on the couch last night then you passed out I was so scared" a tear runs down my face "baby don't cry everything will be okay"

Jungkook walks in with a smile "Jiminie" I smiled back "h-hey jungcock" I laughed

"you might be sick but your still a jerk" he laughs "I'm so sorry Jimin" jungkook says rubbing his eyes

"I'm fine seriously don't cry or I'll cry and if I cry yoongi cry's" we all laughed then docters came in "visiting time is over"

One of them shouted "n-no yoongi please don't go" I ask he just smiles "I'm not going anywhere" he kisses my forehead and jungkook giggles

"sorry you have to leave" one of them said to yoongi he gets up "y-yOONGi no please don't leave me" I say nearly bursting out in tears

"baby I'll be back" yoongi starts to cry


"baby I'll be back" I start to cry as I grabbed my bag

"y-yoo" my heart dropped as the beeping noise went silent

Everything went silent "JIMIN" I screamed before two doctors kicked me out

---- 2 days past

I felt like dying we found out Jimin had a tumor next to his left hip and it was getting bigger each day

Unfortunately I couldn't go see him because he kept being operated on

His mother came to See me every day to see how I was getting on I would tell her I was fine but I lied I missed him making fun of me and everyone I missed his kisses at night I missed the hugs he would give me I missed HIM

It was 10:00 pm and I got a call from one of the docters

Hello min yoongi I have good news

Oh hi yes

Jimin is finished with his operations and is ready to go home

My heart fills with delight

That's amazing news thank you so much

One thing though he is coveredin scars but don't be alarmed by them they will faded away shortly

Okay thank you

I hung up the phone and jump up like a little child

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