Professor's Daughter Pt. 3

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"Hey, y/n," he says.

"Hi," you reply softly, picking up the covers and snuggling into them.  "It feels nice to be in a real bed again.  It's cosy and warm."

He puts his book on the bedside table with a thump and turns off the lights so that the only light is coming in from the moon through the windows.  He slides over and wraps his arms around you, snuggling his head into your neck.  You giggle softly as you feel him pressing his lips to your skin.

"I missed this, y/n," he sighs quietly.  "I'm sorry."

"Draco...  You don't have to be sorry.  I said that already," you sigh.

"I just feel so guilty...," he whispers.  

"It's alright, Draco.  Really.  Now get some sleep.  Today's been an exhausting day," you sigh.  

"Alright, y/n," he says, holding you closer until you both drift off into your dreams.


You wake up in Draco's arms and you both get up and get dressed.  You both head downstairs, hand in hand.  

"Today's the day I meet with him," you whisper.  "I'm nervous."

"It'll be okay, y/n.  I'm here for you," Draco says.  You go up the stair the drawing room and stop in your tracks.  It's your father.  You turn away into Draco's chest, avoiding the man who let you get tortured in front of him.

"Y/n," he calls, but you ignore him.  "Y/n...  Understand that I didn't want to watch that.  I'm sorry."

"Go away," you mumble.

"Oh, look.  Little y/n is being stubborn!" you hear a voice hiss.  It's Voldemort.  You turn around in fear.  

"I hear that you've been released.  Now we must discuss the terms.  I will allow you to walk freely on one condition.  You must pledge to be on my side and only my side.  You already have the mark, y/n.  Join us.  be on the right side," he says, his snake whispering from beside him.  You nod slowly.  You don't have a choice. If you defy him now, you're dooming everyone in the room.

"I pledge my loyalty to you, My Lord," you say.  He nods in satisfaction.  "Draco shall accompany you at all times."

"Yes, My Lord.  Thank you, My Lord," you say in unison with Draco.  With a snap, Voldemort apparates away, leaving you with Draco's and your parents. Your gaze wanders to your father but you snap it back to Draco.

"I am sorry, y/n.  It had to be done.  I beg for your forgiveness.  You will understand one day," he says, looking into your eyes.  You nod.

"I will, won't I?" you ask him and he nods.  

"I must go now, y/n.  I will see you at school again soon," he says, apparating away with a pop.  You sigh and you and Draco head to breakfast and then to bed again to have a much-needed nap.


It's the battle of Hogwarts.  Everyone is screaming and Death Eaters and spells are flying everywhere.  Harry Potter was declared dead, but now he is alive again.  You run through the halls with Draco, hand in hand, desperate not to lose each other.  You both had denounced Voldemort's side and joined Harry's for the remainder of the fight.

"STUPEFY!" you shout, pointing your wand at an attacking cloaked man.  He tumbles back against the wall and you rush forward with him.  You head back to the courtyard and look out.  It's Voldemort and Harry, their wand locked.  The spells melt and park at the point where they meet.  Voldemort's bolt of green light fades slowly as it gets taken over by Harry's red light.  You watch as Voldemort grunts as his light gets swallowed and disappears.  His grip flies open and the wand is sent soaring through the air to Harry.  Voldemort's eyes become unseeing and distant and he slumps over on the ground, his body the shell of his former being.  You sigh and Draco brings you into his arms and you smile.

"It's over, Draco," you sigh.  "We can be together now."

"That's right, y/n.  Nothing's going to stop us now."

Harry stands up, both wands in his hands.  He looks emotionally and physically drained and for perfectly good reasons.  He starts to walk towards you and you smile at him.

"Harry," you say.

"Y/n," he replies with a slight smile, going into the Great Hall, past the heap of rubble.

"Let's go inside," you say to Draco.  He nods and you follow Harry.  You pass the classmates who survived.  They're all mumbling to each other softly, still trying to recover.  You see stretchers with covers on them and year heart sinks.  So many of them.  You lower your head and hold Draco's hand.  You see the Weasleys gathered together, minus Fred.  It's a shame.  He was a funny one and always made you laugh, even if Draco didn't like it.  You look to the end of the stretchers yet to be covered.  A man lays there with long black hair and deep gashes all over his body.

"DAD!" you scream, ripping yourself from your boyfriend and running forward to the end of the hall.


The conductor blows his whistle loudly and you, Draco and your son, Scorpius, roll his cart down platform 9 3/4 together.

"Ready, Scorpius?" you ask.  He nods confidently.  

"I think so, Mum," he replies.

"You're right, you are," Draco adds on with a grin to his son.  Scorpius loads his trunk onto the train and smiles.

"You're so grown up, Scorp," you say, on the verge of tears.  

"Muuuuum," he groans loudly.  

"Come on, Scorp," Draco laughs.  "You'll understand eventually."

The whistle blows again.

"Go on, Scorp," you say.

"I'll be sure to write!" Scorpius calls.  "Bye, mum!  Bye, father!"

"Bye, Scorp!  See you at the holiday!" you shout back, waving to him.  He runs into the adjacent compartment and waves at you both.

"Bye, Scorpius!" Draco says.  "Have fun!"

Scorpius continues to wave through the window as the train disappears. You sigh.

"Wow.  He's really gone," you sigh.  "He's so grown up."

Draco nods and takes you by the waist.  You spot Harry and his family and wave them over.  Harry was the one who helped you come to terms with your father's death.  He told you everything from his memories how he loved Lily Potter and how he was a spy.  Harry was the one other person that helped you cope the most other than Draco.

"Harry!  Ron!  Hermione! Ginny!" you gasp.  "It's been too long!  You all look fantastic!"

"Same to you and Malfoy," Hermione replies.  "They're off to Hogwarts.  I can't believe it!"

"It seems like yesterday we were here," you sigh.  "I miss Hogwarts.  I loved it."

"It's true, y/n," Ginny says.  

"I can't believe it," you say.  "We did it."


A/N:  This imagine was 1750 words long!  Requests open!  Updates will be a bit slower now becasue I have final exams coming up in school!  I will post about every other day or so!  I will fix typos later!  Thanks so much for reading!  

- Soiea

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