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No one's P.O.V:

Piper was in the Aphrodite cabin sulking. She wanted to try some makeup but she couldn't do it herself. She didn't want her siblings to do it because they'd put too much on. Hazel, Annabeth, and Calypso knew how to do makeup but they would make a big deal about it. Percy then walked into the cabin looking for Piper. "Hey, Pipes! What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing... "

"Piper I know is something wrong, what is it?"

"Well I want to try some light makeup, but I can't ask anyone because you know, the girls would make a fuss, so would my siblings. "

"I could do it! My mom tells me I'm pretty good at it."

"You sure?"

"Completely, just lead me to the makeup supply. "

Piper led Percy to the girl's bathroom and he got to work. When he was done Piper was beautiful. What surprised her was how little makeup Percy had used. Her face almost felt as light as it felt with no makeup. "Wow! Percy, I didn't know you were this good! For all, we know you could be Aphrodite's child!"

" I'm not that good... "

"No! Percy this is amazing! Where did you learn to do this?"

"Oh, I taught myself. "


"We I had to cover up the marks from Gabe somehow."

"Well, I guess it paid off. Oh-we have another IM memory thing today right?"

Percy went rigid. "I guess." He relaxed a little, "Well let's go out and show the world your beautiful face! Just so you know it's completely waterproof makeup."

"Thanks, Perce! Let's go to breakfast! I'm hungry!"

"Let's go!!!" Yelled Percy as he grabbed Piper by the arm and dragged him to the pavilion. Once they got there everyone stopped and stared at Piper. For she was radiating beauty in waves. "Yo Piper! What happened? Why do you have makeup on?" Asked A random camper.

"I just felt like it! " She replied and stick her nose in the air, only to cause Her and Percy to burst out laughing. They walked over to the Poseidon table where the seven, Reyna, and Nico were sitting, still laughing really hard.

"Piper who did your makeup? It's amazing!" Asked Hazel.

"Percy," she stated not really looking up from her food.

"Percy," repeated Annabeth dumbfounded. "Percy did your makeup?"

"Yep!" Replied Piper, popping the p. Percy started blushing crimson when everyone stared at him.

"You did that Percy?" Asked Leo.

Percy nodded.

"How and when did you have the time to do it? It must in taken hours!" Said Drew from the Aphrodite table, everyone in the dining hall had been listening.

"Let's see, Percy you walked in at like, seven this morning, right? " Percy nodded. "And you just did it in less than thirty minutes, right?" Percy nodded again blushing even harder. " and Drew, it would take a normal Aphrodite camper at least an hour to get somewhere near the final product. " Drew nodded. "Goddammit Percy, you are like Aphrodite level in the makeup department!"

Percy just kept blushing and looking down at the ground.

Everyone just stared at Percy in shock. How the Hades did this son of Poseidon get so good at makeup? "Percy, how did you get so good?"

Abused Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now