Chapter 40

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What would you say if I told you vampires are real? Would you believe Me? Never mind

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What would you say if I told you vampires are real? Would you believe Me? Never mind. It doesn't really matter if you believe me. Vampires are real.

They live and breathe in cities just like this one all over the world.

Yes, live and breathe. You see, vampires are not like what you have been led to believe. Not all of them anyhow. They walk among the peoples of the world. They are just as diverse in culture and varied in ethnicity as humans are.

Do you believe me now? Vampires are real, very real. They walk, talk, breathe and live among us, living out their lives and carrying on in much the same way that humans do. They live, and they breathe. They eat, and they drink. They laugh, and they learn, well some of them do. They love, and they hate. They hope, and they dream, just like you and me only with much greater intensity. This they do all in good faith that they will continue to thrive. They can be found in cities, towns, countrysides, and wildernesses: anywhere a human can be found living, so too can a vampire. They live in societies, hidden within our societies, small communities bound by rules, shaped by the people around them, governed by the elite among them.

Now, chances are, you know one or more vampires that you wrongly believe are humans. They are beautiful, graceful and the best among them are more than capable of fooling even the most educated humans. Maybe you have a friend, who is very attractive, not to just you, but everyone they meet. They have a lot of charisma and people tend to gather around them just to listen to them talk. They don't know a stranger. Everyone they meet seems to know them. You often times find yourself wondering what it would be like to be with them, to feel their touch and know them, for such is the power they can hold over you. You might even be a little bit jealous, but not know why.

You may find yourself inexplicably angry at the world, riled up and ready to fight someone, anyone for no apparent reason whenever your friend is around.

Or maybe, just maybe that tiny little spider that you once knew could never hurt you, suddenly scares you half to death.

There are many ways and many different types of vampires, to include, unfortunately, the Bloodsucking ones, though those are beast you'd know one if you saw one. Vampires are intellectual profoundly proud beings. Meeting one would seem just like meeting a person unless you were a vampire. Then the exchange would be entirely different.    


Thank you so much for reading. I hope you really enjoyed this tale.

So we have arrived at the end of this particular tale. If I have done my job right, I have introduced you to a few very interesting characters, solved one big problem, answered a few questions and left you with several more. If I have done my job well you will follow the story of Avriel & Ariel, Scott, Mitch & Esther, those watching eyes and the mysterious murderous yellows eyes into the next installment in the tale. 

BloodLust coming soon.

Take a deeper dive into the hearts and minds of your favorite characters as their journey continues from bloodStream to BloodLust.  

BloodLust -- The problem remains the same. People are dying and doing so at an alarming rate. Others are starting to take notice and take exception. In the midst of all the death and destruction, love blossoms as two of them learn work through their differences and resolve. Two connect as more of the past is revealed and one moves from the shadow and into the light. 

Check out some of my other works on wattpad

Cherish Every Moment Series
A Chance Encounter  -- Completed
Secrets  -- Completed  
Reunion  -- Completed 
A Walk In Love  -- Completed  
Dark Waters  -- Completed 
Memories  -- Completed 
Heaven -- Completed

Cherish Every Moment Shorts
CEM -- Secrets & Lies -- Completed
CEM -- Waves -- Completed

Cherish Every Moment One Shots
CEM -- Perspectives -- On Going
CEM -- The Moments In Between -- On Going

Season's Change

Winter's Plight -- In process 

The Cabin -- On Going
Not An  Inch to Spare -- On Going

Coming Soon

Blood Lies One Shots
AfterThe Sun Sets - In Process

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