Chapter 11

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Just as quickly as it hit, the fear disappeared

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Just as quickly as it hit, the fear disappeared. She pulled herself up off the floor and crawled into her chair. She was left a sweating terrified mess sitting in the ugly brown broken down Barcalounger, with the springs poking through the seat, that she had crawled into. Nothing had ever scared her so much in all her life. Not raising children in the poverty-stricken streets of her city, not giving birth to them in the first place, not facing life alone and raising those children on her own, not her fear for her children as they left home and went out into a heartless world, that time, kindness and caring had been forgotten in nor life itself in her hovel and the mean and cruel streets that surrounded it. Not even the threat of hell for all the wrong that she had done was a greater source of fear than whatever it was that she just experienced.

She was relieved to have it away from her and completely exhausted once it was over. She wanted to check for wounds and blood, but she could barely move. She could still feel the sting of the tentacles crawling all over her body. She felt like she had no energy left, just nothing, nothing left to fight with, no energy left to breathe, and nothing left to give. She felt weaker than she'd ever felt before.

Darkness shrouded her world. Every corner her unfocused eyes fell upon held a dark and shadowy figure lurking, looming and waiting. Her head swam with wild ideas and conjourings, her eyes moved catawampus about in her head as she muttered senselessly to herself and the only being listening. All her misdeeds, all her wrongdoings, and there were plenty, swam forward in her mind. She prayed, spending the last of her energy and using the last of her will to call upon her God and Savior, to which came the reply from the darkness. "Your God can't save you now."

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