12. The First Prophecy

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"It's made of a material called celestial bronze, I haven't heard of many families who pass down weapons made from it. What is your family name?"

"Jackson. But that's from my mum's side, not sure about my dad but the sword is from him." I told Loki, not wanting to give up my whole past.

"Ah well, it matters not. I came to fetch you for team bonding. It is beneath me but my brother insists on it, everyone is meeting in the lab now." He told me, cringing at the word team, and then swiftly walked out of the room.

To be honest I wasn't too pleased with the whole idea of team bonding myself. I just wanted to find out my domain, lose my immortality and eventually join Annabeth. But I made my way down to the lab, following directions from JARVIS, where everyone was already assembled and waiting.

"Now I know when the group first formed we didn't have the greatest team attitude," Tony said, "But we all came together to work against a common enemy," everyone glared at Loki, "So I thought for some team bonding we would work in pairs through a series of challenges that Bruce and myself have set out."

As Tony finished his speech, Bruce stepped up with a list, "We have placed you in pairs to ensure you are working with someone you usually wouldn't. Natasha and Thor, Clint and Steve and finally Loki and Percy. The first challenge is in the living room, me and Tony will continue trying to crack the metal laser ball of death (© Stark Industries) while you perform the tasks."

"Come Lady Natasha; let us go to the room of living for the first task." Thor announced then half dragged Natasha after him, who was glaring daggers at the sniggering Clint.

Steve and Clint followed after them and it was just me and Loki left, as well as Bruce and Tony who were not subtly staring at us to see what Loki would do.

"Come on mortal, I will not let them beat us, especially my brother." He told me, and teleported? us to the living room where the other pairs were already waiting. The first task seemed to be a simple one where we just had to evade capture from one of Tony's suits for the rest of the day. Loki's plan was just to teleport us out of the country to wait it out, or simply freeze the suit in time till morning.

I disagreed with both ideas, and I think everyone else would have as well, so instead we just holed up on one of the floors that was still being rebuilt and decided to wait. We had spent most of the time in silence until Loki decided now might be a good time to start questioning me again.

"Why is it you are afraid of elevators? Having seen what you have accomplished from your file you don't strike me as a mortal that would have such trivial fears."

"I went through some stuff this summer, lost some friends, good people and now I'll never see them again. The elevator is a small part of the fear it just brings up the memories I would rather-" I stopped myself. Do I want to forget the memories? The heroics of everyone that died?

Loki seemed to notice that I was lost in my thoughts and stopped that line of questioning. "I understand what it's like, to want to forget. During the invasion I know I did some things I'll never make up for, I tried to stop it but I couldn't"

"But Thor and the others said it was your fault, that you only did it to annoy him, so you could rule. What were you trying to stop?" I asked him.

"You're just as bad as them." He shouted at me, "Just believe my righteous brother like everyone else does, like he can do no wrong."

"I wasn't accusing you of anything; I want to hear your side." I told him. He reminded me of Luke, he just wanted to prove himself but never could and now he was sick of being controlled and judged.

"I don't want your pity." He glared at me.

"Then it's a good thing I'm not giving it." I told him, "I just want to hear your side of the story."

"You don't deserve to know, you cannot fathom what I have gone through, what I'm still going through." He shouted at me.

There was a crash as Tony's suit flew through the newly fixed window and stared at us, "Run!" I shouted, but Loki had already teleported us elsewhere.

We didn't speak for the rest of the night and sat in semi-awkward silence until the sun come up outside the window, then we headed upstairs.

Everyone else was there already, but Steve and Clint were tied up and at the feet of Tony's suit. "Most of you did well on that task although we are banning magic from now on as it gave Percy and Loki an unfair advantage." Tony announced.

"The next task is a mental one, you will need to complete this test and hand it back to us in an hour's time." Bruce said, handing the papers out to us.

I opened up the booklet and looked at the questions; they started out easily enough with basic maths and mental reasoning and then progressed from there. I hoped we would do well; I've had Annabeth basically training me for this for years. Now I know that my immortality is temporary and I will get to see her again I am definitely feeling less sad about the situation, we are just on an extended holiday from each other, its not indefinite. 

The questions in the booklet were easy and Loki seemed surprised at my knowledge, until we reached the section where we had to put three facts about ourselves. Could this get any more like primary school? We both stopped and waited for the other to fill in that section but so far all I could think of was that I like blue food.

I know, I like blue food, my mum is pregnant and I'm the hopefully only temporarily immortal son of an ancient god. Wow, that's great Percy, was to seem normal, that fact is fine.

I put down the first two and decided I wanted to keep up this act of normality for longer so I just added as the third one that I am an avenger. I know it's really obvious but I couldn't think of anything else. I looked over to see what Loki had put, 'my brother is Thor, I am a malevolent god who is better than you puny mortals and I like green.'

I glanced up at him with a flat expression on my face, "Really?" I asked. He just smirked at me and we waited for the others to finish.

Just as the time limit was set to end we heard a crash from downstairs and a purple light started to flash. "Everyone get down!" Steve yelled and we all hit the floor. I felt a tingling sensation above my head and looked up, above me was the golden cube from yesterday emitting a white light which stopped us moving. I heard a second crash and three men dressed in black body armour came in and grabbed me.

"Take him back to base," I heard one of them say.


Chapter 12!

1894 words.

Guess who's back, back again...

Sorry it took me a few months, I kind of went off of Percy Jackson fanfic and now I'm obsessed with Alex Rider as well. I'm back now and will hopefully be updating again shortly.

Sorry about the third cliffhanger in a row! :p

QOTU - Where in the world would you most like to visit and why?

I want to visit America, either New York or California. But I also want to visit Egypt and see the pyramids.

Hello Bob ⭐ (and small bob)    

Over But Never Out    (PJO/Avengers)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang