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 Yuuki and the others come in from the colorfully decorated door. The first thing she did was to look around and deadpanned at the rainbow in the sky.

She really wanted to question, why there was a rainbow in the room. Wouldn't rainbow appear after it rains?

Allen was the first one to speak, "What is this place..?"

"Guess we're not out of the ark? Huh." Lavi states.

'Yuuki, You should have taken my first warning seriously, even if you had any sort of relationship with them. They are Noah and dangerous. The Noah of Wrath is nearby, probably behind those rocks.' Alice says in Yuuki's mind.

She turns to Allen, who questioned Kanda when he turns his head immediately to the side. Yuuki kept her eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. Taking Alice advice seriously.

As an explosion happens near the rocks that Kanda was looking at. "He's here." Kanda puts his hand on his sword. A stocky man was staring at them, along having an angry expression on his face.

"Is that guy also a member of the Noah Clan?" Allen asks, getting an answer from Yuuki and Kanda at the same time.

"Most likely." Kanda glared at Yuuki who sweat drops. 'Oh, Okay, Grumpy."

"I've seen him a lot since arriving in Edo. We could be his...No. He's the Noah that's hunting down our General." Kanda says.

"So you finally made it exorcist? Innocence?"

"I won't forgive you. I won't forgive you. I won't forget you. I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you! I won't forget you! I won't forgive any of you exorcist!"

"Who will be the one to be crushed by Noah's seven thousand years of enmity? Who will fight me?"

Yuuki immediately turns to Kanda when he says, "Go ahead of me, and guys."


"Kanda!" Lavi and Allen look shocked with the rest of the gang.

"This guy's after our General. So I've seen him a few times."

"We can't leave you on your own. Kanda." Lenalee tells Kanda tries to convince him.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not doing this for you. Like I said, He's after our General. It's my job to kill him." Kanda states as he unsheathes your sword.

Yuuki glances over to the Noah who gives a smirk of excitement.


Meanwhile, They were facing the Noah of Wrath.

The Noah of Pleasure, Tyki was walking up the white stairs to reach the highest point of the ark. He looks to the side to see how the outside of the ark is going and smiles before continue walking up until he reaches the white door.

Opening the door to reveal Road looking out of the window. Immediately turns around to face back to the door. "Welcome ho-" Road exclaims in excitement until she sees it was just Tyki.

Her excitement dropped dramatically, "What...the...Just Tyki." Tyki closes the door and replies with. "Thanks for that. Sorry to disappoint you." He raises his hand to show some sort of apology.

Road turns back to the window and questions, "Where are they?" in a sad tone of voice.

"You already know, don't you?" Tyki takes a seat next to the table and continues with a smile. "They're in Skinn's room right now."

"Hmph. I hope they get here soon." Road says with her sad tone of voice.

"Oi, Oi. Skinn's only just begun fighting them. Jeez, do you really like that boy that much?" Tyki commented.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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