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Yuuki noticed Allen was being unusually quiet. She glanced up into his pain-filled eyes while staring at the unconscious girl.

She stands up on her knees and wraps her arms around him, causing Allen to jump in surprise.

"She is going to be fine. Allen." She whispers, closing her eyes before adding. "You are unusually quiet when you're worried about something. You're always blaming yourself. Hm~"

She opened her green eyes to meet his gray eyes with a soft stare before laying her head on his shoulder. "I may not know what happened before, but I am here for you." Allen opens his mouth. "Yuuki....I-"

"Allen." The duo jumped in surprise getting their moment interrupted. Yuuki immediately looks over and remove herself from Allen.

"I will let you guys talk alone," Yuuki spoke, quickly leaving the scene.

She did feel Allen's eyes on her back. She stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets.

Yuuki breathes in, slowly letting it out as she walked to the side of the stream; but not before she heard a soft voice in her head, 'Yuuki'

She turns to face the water to see the dark figure behind moving their mouths', but had the edges of the lips curve up as if they were smiling.

'Yuuki, You must not approach or fight any Noah, at any cost. They are tricky people.' Yuuki kneels down, making the dark figure behind to kneel down too.

"Why should I listen to you?" Stares down at the water reflection.

'I am the woman you spoke to when you were a child and the one who is basically saved your life from that Level 3 Akuma.' The dark figure spoke in her mind with a soft tone.

Yuuki took a moment before remembering the transparent woman when she was fighting the level 3 Akuma.


'Yes. At all cost don't fight with a Noah, if it is necessary: Fine. But just don't let another innocence weapon harm you.'

Yuuki felt extremely confused and was going to speak, until someone patted on her shoulder.

She lifts her head to look up to see Allen. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I am okay. Nothing to be worried about, " She lied. This caused Allen to give her a small look, but he didn't push it.

"Introduce me to your friend." Yuuki stands up quickly and grabbing Allen's wrist.

"Ah!" Allen shocked by her quick reaction when she pulled him.

'Be careful, Yuuki.' She glances over her shoulder, before looking at Allen with a fake smile. She didn't want him to worry about her.

When they reached where Lenalee was at, who was trying to stand on two feet. "I have to hang in there!"

Yuuki notices her efforts, and walks over to her: a hand stretched out towards her. "Need a Hand? I go by Yuuki."

"Lenalee. I'm all right! I can stand on my own." The dark green short-haired girl says, pushing herself from the ground to stand. However, she quickly falls back down. but falls.

"Lenalee...Let's go..together. Let's find my master." Allen says, holding out a hand towards her, making her nod in agreement.

Lenalee raises both of her hand to reach for Yuuki and Allen's hand with a little hesitation.

"Yeah. Let's -" Lenalee shoulder appears a purple lighting making a noise, as a black star appears under her.

A pumpkin umbrella pops out their head from the ground next to the star. "Found Ya!" Purple lights surround Lenalee before she starts to sink in the black star on the ground.

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