Ch.4 Hello?

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Ilima's P.O.V.
I slept ok, when I woke up I saw the suit mom wanted me to wear for the festival, and I saw a note that I couldn't quite read from here. I got up and looked at the note
Y/N dropped my earlier, she's headed to Iki town, head there when you wake up- You're loving mother
I put the note down and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. "Here's your food, eat quickly before your mom comes back downstairs, she has a list of questions!" "Mom made a list?!" "Yes, so hurry she's gonna ask them ALL!" I stuffed the eggs in my mouth as quickly as I could and put my shoes on. I ran down the street to Route 1 I ran as quickly as I could. A few people waved and I ran quickly. I saw the people in Iki town decorating and most of them said Alola. "Ilima, come with me!" Y/N grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the town square. "Sit down, I brought you something!" "You just got here, and YOU'RE giving ME presents!?" "To be fair to you I have had time to plan you haven't." "Good point." "So, come on sit down!" I sat down across from her and she put her bag in front of us. "You always said you wanted to travel to other regions, with your being a captain I get that probably won't happen anytime soon, so I brought you the thing you always begged for, for Christmas, the professor let me have this as a farewell gift, CHESPIN, COME OUT!" She threw the pokeball and a chespin came out. "Chespin ches!" It said excitedly. "Wha- how'd you remember?!" "When your best friend asks for the same thing for ten years straight, it sticks with you, sooooo, happy early Christmas!" "Thank you, so so so much, I love you bestie!" "Love you too!" She threw me chespin's pokéball and chespin looked at me. "Chespin, ches?" It said excitedly. "Hi chespin, I'm your new trainer!" "Chespin, ches!" It came up and hugged me." "Aww, you're awful cute aren't you!" "He and Delphox hung out a lot before we left so we are probably going to have to have LOTS of play dates!" I forced a smile and hoped she wouldn't be able to see through it, that sounded like so much fun, but with the constant flow of trial goers, I was busy A LOT and there really wouldn't be a lot of time for play dates. "Eh, um, sounds like fun!" I said in the most excited voice I could muster. "Hey Ilima," she said getting my attention, "I hate to cut this short, but I want to go back to Kukui's lab and get started on my hair!" "Um, uh, of course, see ya!" "Ilima." I heard her but I guess it didn't register in my brain what she had just said. "Ilima, hello?" I sat there lost in my thoughts. "Ilima, hello, earth to Ilima!?" "She waved her hand in front of my face and my mind finally processed what she said. "Sorry I was just lost in thought." "If you say so, but if anythings wrong, promise you'll tell me?" "Of course, I'd never keep secrets from you." "I love you like a brother, and you know that I mean it." I smiled and stood up and held my hand out for her. She took and as I tried to pull her up but I ended up falling and both of us ended up rolling into the dirt, I was slightly on top of her and I could see her cheeks getting red. "I, uh, I-I'm sorry." I stuttered as I pushed myself off of her, I stumbled into the dirt lying next to her, she turned her head toward me and burst out laughing. "Well, there goes the time for my hair, I'll just have to something a bit more simple." She got up and I slowly sat up and looked at my knees I didn't want to know if I'd pass out next, have a panic attack, or just plain burst into tears, three things I'd found out happened often to me as a trial captain. She bent down beside me and hugged me. "You're not ok, are you?" I didn't know who to say, here stood the girl who'd I'd trusted with my literal everything, and I couldn't even muster the word 'Yes'. "Look at me Ilima, you're not ok!" She grabbed my face so I'd look at her. "Y/N, please, I don't want to hurt you." "YOU'RE HURTING ME BY KEEPING THIS FROM ME, DO YOU REALLY NOT REALIZE THAT, I CAME BACK HERE FOR YOU!" She yelled as she shook my shoulder. "You shouldn't have to deal with my bull crap." "YOU DEAL WITH MINE, IT GOES BOTH WAYS!" She didn't release her grip on my shoulder and I tried to avoid eye contact as she tried to look in my eyes. I got up and shoved her arm off my shoulder, I ran as fast as could and stopped only when I realized chespin was struggling to keep up and I quickly called him into his pokeball before I started off again. I ran as fast as my skinny legs would take me until I finally reached my house, I ran inside and up the stairs to my room. "Ilima, sweetie, are you ok?" "NO!" I guess my mom got the message because I heard her quickly walk away from my door. I stared at my phone, and watched it go off, over, and over, and over.
(Text) <Y/I= Your Intitial>
Y/N-Ilima please tell me, I want to be there for you💖
Y/I-Plz respond🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Y/I-Who care if we're trash~~~~~
I-🙄Got a pocket full of cash.
Y/I-We can bloooooow😄😄😄😄
I-I'm not smiling.
Y/I-Just say I doooooooooooo💎
Y/I-Fine, I'll be serious. I love you just as much as I always have, but clearly there's something you're either hiding our too scared to tell me, or you don't know how, either way, you figure out your crap and I'll figure out mine, and you can contact me when you're ready to let me into you're life.
(End Texts)
My eyes teared as I read her message, I couldn't bare this, I burst into an unstoppable fit of sobbing.
I'm so sorry this chapter took so long, but I hope it was worth the wait, my family came home for Christmas, and school has been hectic AF for me, I love y'all for sticking with me, and since its been so long, if anyone wants a quick recap comment-See Ya🤗

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