Ch.7 Help Me.....

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Your P.O.V.

I saw Kiawe run through Iki town toward the Pokemon Center. I had no idea why until I saw he was carrying Ilima in his arms. "Y/N, we need to follow him!" Mallow exclaimed. She grabbed my hand as she started to run after Kiawe. "M-Mallow, s-slow down!" "Oh come on its your boyfriend he's carrying!" "What the heck Mallow, I don't like him like that!" "Really, are you sure about that?" "Grrrrrrr, yes, Mallow, I'm sure." "Fine, but let's hurry!" She grabbed my hand again and she started running even faster than before. "Y/N, come on, let's go in!" She said as I arrived slightly behind. "I-I'm not sure, I don't think I'm ready to see him." "Then don't think, do, that's what I always do!" "I don't think he wants to see me." "I think-No I know you're wrong!" "Believe me he doesn't want to see me!" "And believe me, he needs to see you!" "....what?" "You're his best friend, he's hurt, he needs you to be there, to care."  There was an awkward silence before she started talking again. "He has anxiety issues, this-this has happened before, I think he genuinely needs you...." "Anxiety? Why didn't he tell me, wha-what, uh." "Just come in with me, you don't have to say anything, just stand there and smile!" I tried to force a smile but the shocked expression remained. Mallow and I headed to nurse Joy. "Girls, which Pokemon need healing?" "Um, none of them, a friend of ours came in here a second ago, Ilima, the trial captain." "Ah, he's right this way, he's recovering back here with Kiawe." She led us to a room that looked to be the only room for human emergencies. "Y/N, Mallow, you came!" "Against my better judgement..." I muttered softly. They both looked at me confused than continued the conversation. "Anywaaaaay, Y/N, you should go first." Kiawe said excitedly. "What! Why me?" "Just go in please!" I rolled my eyes and turned to go in the door. As I walked in I saw Ilima half awake facing away from me. "H-Hey, Ilima, it's me!" I tried to muster an excited voice. He was silent as he turned to face me. "What're you doing here?" He said more harsh than I'd expected. "Mallow dragged me here...." "She shouldn't of done that..." "I'm sorry, I didn't know...." "About what?" "Your anxiety issues..." "W-Who told you that!?" "Mallow..." "She had no right to say that!" "You're right, she didn't, but I'm glad she did." "Why?" "Because, do you really think I wouldn't have acted like that if I'd known what you were going through, and if she hadn't told me, I would've kept acting like a little piece of crap!" "You're not the one acting like a piece of crap..." "STOP BLAMING YOURSELF, THIS ISN'T YOUR FAULT!!!!!" "Than why do I always feel like I'm being a worthless piece of crap when I get stressed and busy!" "Because you're depressed!" "Heh, no ones actually ever managed to say it to my face." "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" "I agree, but there's nothing I can do..." "There's always something you can do, you can be more positive, and I can help you!" "You can't help me if I'm never around!" "That's what I like to call a schedule, tell all them trial goers you don't stay past seven thirty!" "I think that's against the rules..." "As someone who's met Tapu Koko, I think he'd be okay with it!" "You can't just say that, you've met him, what, twice?" "Yes, buuuuut, that's what Alola is all about, helping people and Pokemon!" "Seems kinda selfish...." "Everybody's allowed to have a 'thing' that they do just for them." "But-" "But nothing, please?" He sat up and smiled. "Deal." He stretched out his hand to give me a handshake but instead he brought me in for a hug. When I pulled away he smiled. "I know it wasn't long, Y/N, but I missed you." "I missed you too." He hugged me again and I heard Kiawe and Mallow come in. "Are we interrupting something?" Mallow asked, a little too excited. Ilima and I both backed up and look at them. "Nope, just two friends making up!" "YAY, YOU'RE FRIENDS AGAIN!" "You guys, when I told my mom I wanted to move back, she was hesitant, but she supported me, because she knew I'd have people like you behind me." "I thought you're mom said she would never trust us alone with you for longer than two hours?" Kiawe joked."Haha, very funny, but we aren't thirteen anymore, plus I don't live with her anymore." "True, let's just go out there, face this world, and help each other!" Ilima stated proudly!
Hey y'all, so I finally think I have the storyline for the character/s I need so plz submit, as many as you want, and as annoying as this may be, I'll keep putting the format in the new chapters.
Character format~
Name: Middle name: optional-Last name:Required
Favorite color:Optional
Style: Highly recommended but not required
Backstory: this might be a little confusing, but, right two backstories one as a villain and one as a hero. Doing two I guess is optional, but I'd like it if u could.
       Finally I would prefer u PM me but commenting works as well, bye🤗

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