Ch.27 A New Perspective

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I was walking around the studio, checkin on all the artists when my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Ilima~You win, I'm flying back tonight.

I guess maybe I was a little obvious texting him right after I'd said all that stuff to him, but at least it was done, and with time Y/N will forget and be able to focus 100% on her music. Did I feel guilty? Yes, a little bit, but my father did not raise any wimp. "ELI!" I heard a voice call behind me. "Ember! What do ya need?" I said facing the girl. "Can we talk about my new recording schedule, unless you're busy." Ember was a semi-new artist to the label, but thought she was small and not super skinny, she had already proved herself plenty capable. "I always have time for my favorite Chihuahua!" I said messing up her curly blonde hair. She quickly slapped my hand away and we walked over to the tables. "SO, about my schedule, when do you think I'll get it?" "I think that's on my list of duties today, I'll bump it up on level importance for you." "Oh, that's ok, I just wanted to see when I'd be able to get it soon, getting little antsy to get back in the studio." "Are you sure? I'd honestly be happy to." "I don't want you to get in trouble, or mess something up." "Well ok, but other than that, how're you doing?" "Oh, I'm fine, Kalos has been so welcoming!" "A lot different than Kanto?" "A lot more busy, but lots of fun." She looked around and smiled at the surroundings. "Hey Eli?" "Whatcha need." "Are we the same age?" "I'm two years older." "Ah, I was wondering, you didn't seem as old as the other producers." "With my dad as CEO I able to start earlier than most people are." "So you've been raised around it?" "For as long as I can I remember, yes." "Cool, well I guess you should get going and get back to your duties." "Ugh! I hate when people actually hold me accountable for my responsibilities!" I whined as she stood up and I got up to be see her off. "Everyone needs someone to hold them accountable." She said starting to walk toward the entrance. "WAIT." I grabbed her arm. "Let me get you your schedule." "Oh no, I've set your schedule off enough already." "Exactly, my schedule is messed up already, what's a few more minutes gonna do." "No-" "Too bad I insist, you're coming with me." Before she could reply I'd already started guiding her down the hall to my office. I shuffled through all the papers that'd been added to my desk. I finally found it and handed her the manilla envelope it was in. "Thank you, I'll let you get back to work now." "See you tomorrow then." "Yep!" She said waving. In the short time she'd been at our company she'd made quite an impression on everyone here, including me.


I wrote this chapter to give Eli some humanity because you might start to hate him soon, don't worry everything will work out. NOW DOWN TO BUSINESS! Does anyone want me to make an Instagram? Hmmmmm? Just saying for updates, and progress on my other book, it would be fun to be interact more, LET ME KNOW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

-Sincerely Me

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