"She's a virus like you, right? Can't you just track her down?" Bim asked.

"Like a GPS or something?" Bing suggested.

"I don't know how to do that."

"Wait here." Dark stated as he dropped off the Septiceyes and went away again.

"What's happening?" Dr. Schneeplestein asked.

"That felt weird as fuck." Chase groaned, holding his stomach.

"Teleporting takes some time to get used to." Marvin said, giving Chase a light pat on his back.

"Annie's been glitch-napped!" Wilford announced.

"Don't refer to my daughter as-"

"What do we do?" Chase asked.

"We work." Dark stated after coming back again, holding his laptop. "Half of us is going to the school and scanning the surrounding area. The other half will-" Dark stopped when Bing started to cough.

"Bing, now is not the time to be acting up." Google said harshly.

"S-Sorry, I...I..." Bing bent over as he coughed harder, entire body convulsing.


"It's-" Bing started to wheeze between coughs. Google's eyes went wide when a drop of black liquid came out of Bing's mouth. Google quickly grabbed Bing and carried the other search engine to the couch. Google gripped the top of Bing's shirt and ripped it open. Everyone watched in stunned silence as Google pressed his thumbs against Bing's bare collar bones. There was a soft beep before a square chunk of flesh lowered like a panel, exposing Bing's insides.

"What's going on?" Dark asked.

"Someone's trying to hack into Bing's core." Google answered, reaching into Bing's chest and pulling his hand out, a small, holographic screen popped up.

"How do you hack a search engine?" Wilford asked. "How do you hack a living thing?"

"I don't know!" Google snapped, pulling out more screens. Bing was shaking now, tears flowing down his face and black oozing out of his mouth. "He's trying to fight it and his body is unable to handle it!" No one thought they would ever see fear in Google's eyes, let alone it being for the sake of someone else, especially for someone like Bing. "Found it!" Google took something out of one of the screens. Bing stopped shaking and leaned forward as he coughed a few more times to clear his throat. The screens folded and went back into the open panel. Bing gasped for air a few times before leaning back against the couch.

"Does this look familiar to you?" Google opened his hand and a pixelated insect flew out and floated in front of Anti.

"Blue ladybug." Dark said.

"The same one Ann's been drawing." Anti added before grabbed the bug, feeling it shatter in his palm.

"and I will go to the preschool and start searching." Dark ordered as he handed Anti the laptop. "Do your thing. Call if anything comes up. Send Google when he's done making sure Bing is okay."

"But Dark-" Anti stopped when Dark held his face with both hands.

"I love you and I love our daughter and I will stop at nothing to kill the man who kidnapped her." Dark gave Anti a kiss before going over to the group of egos he had listed.

"I'm coming with." Chase stated, joining the group.

"You need to stay here with Anti." Dark stated.

"I can help!"

"You can help by staying here!"

"Chase, we'll be fine." Marvin said, making Chase slump his shoulders.

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