Rock bottom

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Adriana pov
I'm sitting on my bed and Albina walks in saying she has something to tell me.
So what is it? "I don't really know how to say this I told my mom and she said that she doesn't want to talk to me anymore and I'm scared you might the same." Albina nothing is going to change just tell me. I-I'm gay. That's nothing to be ashamed of I say while patting her back, have you told Alex? "No I was hoping you could come with me." Of course I will. We went up to Alex's Study and we sat down and Albina said what she had to say and Alex stood up from his seet as me and Albina started to get up and
Alex walked up to her and hugged her and she busted into tears.

Time Skip (1 year)

Adriana pov
I woke up and I felt weird I soon ran to the bathroom and puked I cleaned myself up and took a shower and walked out of the bathroom I suddenly had a craving for pickles so I got dressed and went down to the kitchen and get the jar out of the fridge

Time skip ( one week )
Adriana pov
I had been waking up for the past week only to run to the bathroom and puke today was no different I cleaned up took a shower and got dressed I went to Albina's room and knocked on her door she opened and let me in I sit down on her bed. "So what did you want to talk about?" well I've been
Puking a lot and having weird cravings and- "Wait do you think you could be pregnant?" No, I don't think- "How many times have you and Alex had sex." This got personal real fast. "Just answer the damn question." I don't know to many times to count why is this even important we used protection." "Adriana protection doesn't always work." I know that but I can't be pregnant now I'm only 19. After a while, we both decided that I could be pregnant and we went to the store to pick up a pregnancy test we came back home and I went into the bathroom I read the instructions and followed them exactly and I put the stick on the counter and waited I looked down at the stick I unlocked the bathroom door and let Albina in she read it she stood there in shock before turning around and telling me to take another one I did as she said and repeated the process and the second test read positive also.I thought for a while Alex was out of town so that would give me a couple days to plan how I would tell him.

Time Skip
Adriana pov
Alex is back home and we're sitting on the bed watching some movie we hear the alarms go off and we go downstairs
I was shocked by what I saw blood covering the floors I scanned the room I saw Jack he looked at Alex and ran Alex grabbed a gun off of the floor an AR15 I believe and told me to hide I hid somewhere that I could still see what was going on after a while I heard an abnormally loud gunshot I flinched and when I looked back I saw Jack and his gang retreating and I look at the center of the room and I saw something that caused me to get up I walked over and And I dropped to my knees on the floor crying next to Alex... Alex's body surrounded by a pool of his own blood I pulled his head in my lap I look down at him and all I could do was cry his eyes were opening and closing he looked at me and whispered I love you I said it back to him he looked at me and said "Promise me you'll move on." I can't Alex. "Well than promise me you'll try we're his last words before his eyes shut and his grip on my hand loosened and his whole body went limp soon a guard came and pried me away from his dead cold body and soon two others came and took his body I looked around the room and I saw Albina and the rest of his family Albina ran too me and wrapped her arms around me and told me everything would be fine even though it was obvious it wouldn't be I have officially hit rock bottom.

Ya bitch updated 😋

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