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Adriana pov
I woke up I tried to get up but I felt an arm rap around me I smiled when I realized it was Alex I turned to him good morning моеb все , good morning Alex I said leaning in and placing a peck on his lips he pulls me by the waste and pulls me closer and then he kisses my forehead , he get up and goes to the bathroom , oh and by the way we're going back to the states tomorrow , ughhhh I hate flying , you'll be fine котенок , sureeeee , he chuckles and then goes in to the bathroom , great I have another flight maybe the fact that Alex will be there  this man is so confusing one day he's all nice and the next day he hates me and tells me to fuck off like what the hell makeup your mind goddamn . Me and Alex spend the whole day in bed watching movies and eating food and packing ,I can't believe he's never seen Titanic like Wtf I don't care we're your from you have not lived if you haven't watched Titanic 

Next day

Alex pov
I wake up with Adriana nuzzled into my chest she looks cute when she sleeping I kiss her forehead , she yawns letting me know that she's awake she looks up at me good morning she says , you know e have to go on the flight today right , I feel her tense up I rub her back nothing is gonna happen , you don't know that she says with a pout , I mean the worst thing that could happen is the place crashes and burst into flames , she hugs me tighter , not helping , I chuckle everything will be fine ,

Time skip on the plane

After what felt like hours of convincing we got Adriana to get on the plane as soon as we sit down she lays her head down on my lap , you tired ? , ok go to sleep then котенок , I'll wake you up when we get there , uum k she says drifting to sleep 

Time skip landing

Wake up мое все we landed . Uhhhhgh she says yawning  we get off the plane and take our luggage and then we get to Adriana house I call her over to me , your parents wanted you to stay with me instead of with them because they think you'll be safer with me , oh so now my parents care about me and how I'm doing , ok then it's not like I wanted to stay with them anyways she says stretching . *Adriana and Alex arrive at Alex's house*

Adriana pov
We walk into Alex's house and he shows me our room I drop off my bags , change , and then lay on the bed Alex soon joins me , your parents are hosting some party I don't know what it's for but they said they want you there Alex tells me , ughhhh can my parents just get the hint that I don't like them they have treated me like crap my whole childhood then they force me to get engaged , not that I'm complaining , but what's next they give me up to the American mafia , Alex pulls me closer too him I would love to see your parents try to do that Alex say laughing , I just say and put my head on his chest so when is this party ? Tomorrow, ok then *next morning* I wake up and I feel don't feel Alex next to me I look over and I see him dressing , good morning I say , I wouldn't say morning it's 12:00, oh , I have to go to a meeting I'll be back in two hours ok , ok bye Alex , he comes over and kisses me bye мое все , I watched him walk out of the room and I turned over and fell back asleep

1 hour later

Adriana pov
I wake up to the sound of the door bell ringing I go to the door oh hey Albina , hey Adri can I come in , of course , I back up so she can come in she sits down on the couch so why are you here I missed you so I came over , oh ok want to go inside of my room , sure we walk into the room and I immediately her hear Albina giggle what is it , soooo you and Alex sleep in the same bed she asks teasingly , oh shut up Albina , she collapses on the bed so how are you and Alex doing , good I guess , what do you mean you guess , well you know I love him but it's so confusing as to weather or not he feels the same way and by confusing I mean kind of obvious he told me he doesn't love me but the way he asks it's just ughhhh , ya Alex tend to be like that we never really experienced unconditional love in our family I mean I'm not even aloud to date I'm 21 for crying out load and I'm just sitting here waiting for my brother to give away my hand in marriage to someone I don't know , that sucks , ya adri but that's just how the mafia life is , dannazione sooo you want to watch a movie , sure witch one , how about my so called life ok , do you have some clothes I can borrow cause this dress is to fucking uncomfortable , ummm I say going up to the closet and picking something out here the bathroom is right there , she comes out and sits on the bed I grab the bowl of popcorn and I click play on the remote an hour later we finish the movie and Albina leaves as soon a she's gone Alex comes home , hey мое все Ale says walking into our room I saw a car pulling out of the drive way who was it oh Albina came over , oh ok he says laying down on the bed , the party is going to be at 8:00 oh ok I said scooting closer to him and then proceeding to lay my head on his chest , he wrapped his hands around my waist and kisses my fore head I relaxed in his arms sleep soon taking me away

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