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Adriana pov
When they walked into the room I relaxed it was just my guards , "Adriana we need to leave immediately Alex sent us we will inform you on the way but you must hurry" I grab my phone and walk out with them . We get in the car and they start talking , "your parents house was Ambushed by Some of Aidan's guards Alex was afraid they might come to you so he told us to come get you." Is everyone alright , they stayed silent **** we walked into this mansion they lead me to a room I walked in and Alex was sitting at his desk on his phone he got off the phone "мое все some here" , I walked over and he pulled me on his lap , "so did the guards tell you what was going on?" Ya , but when I asked him if anyone was hurt they just stayed silent , Alex looked to his side , Alex what happened . "Your mother was shot and they took your sister" . W-where was s-she s-shot I say . "In the chest" , Where is she ? "she's with one of our doctors" and my sister ? we don't know wear they took her but we're checking one of their compounds I just start crying Alex pulls me closer to him by the waist I just sob into his chest .

Alex pov
I didn't like to see her like this this was all so fucked up she didn't deserve all this shit first she's forced to marry me of all people she finds out her dad might be working against us and now this I looked down she wasn't sobbing anymore but I could hear her sniffling and some barely audible hiccups , I just rubbed her back for what seemed like forever and then she spoke , A-Alex , yes , be honest with me do you think your gonna be able to find my sister". There is no way in hell I'm letting Aidan get away with this , was all I said after a while Adriana dozed off so I carried to her a room and placed her on the bed and went back to my office

Adriana pov
I woke up to see Alex sitting on the bed I yawned letting Alex Know that I was a wake , "oh your up the doctor said you could go see your mom If you'd like" , where is she ? "I'll show you" . We walked into the room and I saw my mom up staring at the wall . H-hey mom , oh Hi sweetheart , ma what exactly happened , " it's all a blur  really , all I remover is getting shot , oh and where are your siblings" . Ma there's something I have to tell you ,Adelina was kidnapped at that my mom's mouth gapes open , N-no are you sure , " I couldn't talk because my speech was blocked by the tears threatening to spill , I'm sorry mama " can I get some time alone" . Of course
Ma I say getting up to leave I go into my room and I find my dad waiting there , "good your here" . What do you want , "we need to talk" . About ? Your brother and sister have always been superior to you they have always been better than you it's a shame your sister was taken , and you came here to tell me something I already know , "I
Suppose but also you need to start training Alex will help you with this of course that's all I needed I'll leave you alone now." O-ok my dad walks out of he room , he's such an ass I know that it's not true but I still find myself on the bed crying with no one to talk to , I hear the door open a little and then I hear Alex speak котенок you ok , I-I'm fine you can leave I say trying to hold back my tears he walks over to me , "look at me" I stay with my back facing him I feel the bed dip he hugs me from behind , what happened котенок , nothing I'm good , ok then why are you crying , can you just leave it alone I doubt you would care if I told you , "don't be like that котенок" I felt him rub his hand up my waist he kissed my neck I relaxed almost instantly his touch was calming , "so you gonna tell me what happened" after I told him what happened we just sat on the bed watching Netflix Alex ?  "Yes" when are we going back to your house probably tomorrow , oh ok , we soon fell asleep .

Adriana pov
I woke up and ......

Hey I don't really have anything to say except thank you for over 350 reads (cause I'm to lazy to find the exact number) love you guys bye ( isn't it amazing how I don't have the bother to right more then one e in the word bye but I have the patients to write this side note 👍🏽 )

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