Flash Back

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Alex pov
I remember when all this started

I'm sitting in my room and my dad walked in. "I have something you need to do."
I walked with him and we went downstairs it was the torture chambers wear my dad tests poisons on me so often I have become immune to it we walked into a room and I was surprised with what I saw it was my grandfather my father tide up my dad handed me a dagger and told me to kill him I asked him why and he explained to me that he tried to hire someone to kill my mom (his daughter) I was surprised at this I asked if my mom knew my dad said no. We spent a while standing in silence and then my dad said to finish the job and he walked out that was the first time I ever killed someone it wasn't as traumatizing as I was taught it would be by my mom it was rather satisfying my mom found out about this and from that moment on she called me a monster she was terrified of me but my father had taught me that people being terrified of you was a good thing he taught me that if anyone crossed me or the mafia it doesn't matter if it my brother I had to kill them and that how I worked so I didn't care that my family was terrified of me I can't count how many time smy brother tried to cross me leading me to almost killing him.

Flashback over
And that's how I got my first title террор (Terror) after that my ranks kept going up the more I killed I had killed so many people I couldn't count I had even done assassination jobs in the files my father kept it was shown as 218 assassinations done and my rank kept going up until I was known as the Russian lord although my soldiers still called me террор.

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