Take A Moment

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We were sweating. I needed a break. We all did.

Let's just take a moment to allow myself to express the

fangirling-ness I had inside. I couldn't exactly let it out. I would've if this wasn't such a serious situation with my missing parents along with BLI slowly taking over. But I was definitely allowed to think about it all.

I played all my surroundings in slow motion. Mikey sat down, Ray put his hair in a pony-tail, Gerard took his jacket off... Oh Jesus the image... And Frank...gazed in my direction as the wind gently moved his hair and his eyes stopped on mine. My entire body and heart hesitated for a second.

Come on, I was in a bit of shock still. I couldn't be casual about any of this yet. I snapped out of it.

I took off my bulletproof vest, walked over to the car and leaned against it. I wiped the sweat off my neck that had started to form again and looked down at my dirty feet.

So this is what it felt like. Watching "Na Na Na" years back... And now I'm here living it...

Small footsteps came towards me and stopped right in front of me, blocking the little sunlight on me that was left in the day. I looked up to see Frank looking down at me. No words were spoken for a bit. He leaned on the car with both his hands... Having me in between them.

I was so jittery inside, I've never really been in this position before. And obviously not with Frank. Nervous wasn't even the word I could use in this situation actually. Shy? Is that the word? Clueless. Clueless worked. Do I say something? Or wait for him to?

"I have to tell you something." Frank started before I could.

I slowly scanned up his arms secretly admiring his tattoos. "Yes...?" I responded looking up his eyes that killed my heart a little bit, his perfection...not trying to sound dramatic, it literally made my heart swell up.

"I think you should keep an eye out for Gerard..."

I peeked at Gerard, who was fixing his belt.

"Why? Aren't we all friends here?"

I said half chuckling.

"Yeah yeah but, Gerard...? He likes you a little more than that..."

"Why do you continue to fuck with me dude? First you randomly get pissed with me and give me attitude for--god knows WHY. Then you fool me making me think I shot you. And now you're lying to me..." I spoke back. I guess I finally brought it up cause I wanted to clear the air. I don't like when people are mad at me to be honest. OR lied.

Frank simply stared at me. Again examining my face. He licked his lips quickly and looked around.

"Look, I guess I was a little agitated to see Gerard getting so close to you is all. But anyway, why would I lie?" He said.

I gave him a straight emotionless face. I really don't know what he was getting out of all this. It's not even like Gerard showed any signs of him "liking me" anyway. And agitated? Why the hell would he be agitated? Frank isn't even making sense anymore. I didn't respond.

He scoffed, taking his hands off the car. "Wow, you think I'm a liar?" He continued.

Oh crap. I REALLY hope I didn't get him angry. It was kinda the last thing I wanted to do.

"Well lemme lie to you some more then! I am completely not attracted to you whatsoever."

Kidnapped by My Chemical RomanceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt