Not A Smart Move

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I was breathing hard now. Walking quickly on--whatever floor I was on.

I'm looking back at my actions and it was pretty dumb for me to run. Especially the fact that I had no idea where I was.

There was something about them-- that I couldn't trust. Which is weird cause I've been loving them for the longest. I love their music, what they stood for.

God I'm so stupid. I feel-- like I lost their trust, not that they had any of it in the first place. THEY kidnapped ME. What trust was I supposed to give them?

I entered a hall with a dead end and a silver box with wheels big enough to fit a human on the sides.

I would've turned back. But I was DEFINITELY afraid to bump into one of them, and then REALLY get hurt.


Loud sirens started BLARING. I looked around terrified. There was a light flashing red and white. This was getting out of hand.

Rushing into the box was my first instinct. I pushed small boxes to the side, but I obviously don't take out the stuff. Making it seem like I'm not here. I close it slowly not making too much noise. But the loud ass siren was doing all that anyway.

I sat down. And something hard clicked in my back pocket. Oh yeah. I never actually checked what Gerard put in there.

I hesitated, pulling out...

It was a gun.

It was beautiful. It was silver and white. Oh God. "Mel" was engraved on the side. I stroked it gently breathing oddly. This couldn't be real...

VOICES. I heard voices. Was I going crazy? No, I wasn't. I was hearing fucking voices.


And they were coming closer. That's it. They found me. I wasn't moving though. I'm stubborn as fuck so I've been told. So I was NOT moving. Maybe they didn't even know I was in here. I'll just stay quiet.

"Did you find--?" I heard one on them say.

Fucken siren didn't let me hear. There was a bang on the top of the box causing me to shake a little. A hand was sliding the door open slowly then jerked it hard. They stared at me. I was terrified. Looking at me creepily. And grabbed me by my shirt.

I was being forcefully taken again--but this time, by a Drac.

Kidnapped by My Chemical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now