Training Day

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We pulled up to a stop after 3 hours of continuous driving. Making sure we were in a safe and isolated place to start my training--test, whatever it was. I wasn't UBER nervous or anything. I just didn't know what to expect. We all exited the car and they guys got themselves together as I examined the area and walked a bit away from them. Who knew there was a fucking deserted area in Connecticut?

I took out my ray gun remembered to actually switch the little knob to "on" this time.

You know, for training, I figured we'd go to a place with a lot of objects, so I could actually practice shooting things. Don't get me wrong, last time was just an accident-- you know, me looking like a fool, not knowing there was a stupid knob. I was pretty good at shooting...well, in video games at least.

I continued to look for something to shoot. Giving up, instead of looking for something to shoot, I looked for Frank.

Wow that sounded bad didn't it? I wasn't seriously gonna hurt him. Yknow, maybe startle him. I just kinda wanted to get back at him for being a little jerk to me earlier for no reason. Or at least I thought it was for no reason. I seriously don't remember doing anything to him.

And there he was. Standing by himself, looking down at the ground brushing some of his hair behind his ear. Ugh he was so cute. But his attitude lately wasn't. Like come on, I'm not a damn mind reader yknow?

Alright, now to get him. I slowly aimed my gun very close to his foot focusing... And shot.

He screamed. Frank screamed. He was fucking screaming and my eyes automatically got wide. Fuck fuck fuck. Oh my god this was not happening I had no idea what to do I was now panicking and my heart was going berserk and my breathing went bad cause the other guys to look at Frank but surprisingly didn't bother to do anything and continued to unpack some materials and bulletproof vests.

I sprinted towards him as he sat down trying to tend to his foot and I kneeled down in front of him. Putting my hand on his foot and looked at his face. Frank winced in pain... CLEARLY, CAUSE I FUCKIN JUST SHOT HIM IN THE FOOT BY ACCIDENT MAYBE???

I looked around the ground area in front of where he was standing from before I had shot. There was a faint bullet hole mark on the ground. I...didn't...shoot him did...I? I stared at it and squinted my eyes and looked back at Frank's face, which now have a huge smirk on it. He got on his knees and moved in close to me, and put his lips near my ear.

"Gotcha." He whispers.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I said quietly violently pushing his body away from me causing him to sit down again as he start cracking up. OBVIOUSLY I cared cause I thought I hurt him. And I don't why, once again, he was trying to "gotcha" me in the first place cause I haven't been doing shit to him. I'm done--just so done with his shit. Like what was even the point of that?!

"Alright put your vests on!" Gerard called out to us, indicating I guess that I'd be practicing on them and they'd be my obstacles. Everyone put a vest one. We started right away. Seriously, no other words were spoken and we all just went straight into it. There was no awkwardness for starting. I can't even remember who shot first. Cause once the first ray was fired, EVERYONE was shooting up a storm.

Was it weird that I was having fun? Cause it felt like a game. I honestly felt like I was having too much fun for practice. There were so much smooth shots and dodges happening. I was really having a blast...

And then it came to mind again why I was here. I wasn't here because I volunteered, I was taken. I didn't mind being here with the guys, but it wasn't all wasn't meant to be fun and games. I was taken here because apparently there were dire situations happening, with killjoys and BLI and I was needed to help...

But to be completely honest, getting my parents back, in one piece, in the right state of mind was my number one priority.

I dodged the last couples of shots directly at me and shot all of them one last time. No hesitations, not a target missed.

"Not bad at all Melody..." Gerard finally said, wiping the sweat that had formed on his forehead and neck. "Really. Not bad at all."

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