Familiar Voices

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So many things were going through my mind. How did no one see what had happened? We were right next to the highway! In broad daylight!!! What the fuck do I do? Oh my god. They surprisingly didn't drug me. I felt tears coming down my face as I sobbed quietly hoping they wouldn't hear me. "Dude, is the girl crying?" I heard a voice ask. I stopped, trying to pay attention. "Don't worry about it..." I heard another voice respond. Something sounded familiar, but not enough for me to remember. "And why are we doing this again?" A third voice asked. "I can't explain it right now." The first voice spoke again. "We need her."

'Need me'? Need me for what?! I sniffled. Proceeding to cry. What was I going to do? I thought. I slammed into the wall of the van as it turned. The road was getting bumpy.
I didn't know what to think.


Oh no! My fucking phone! I forgot about my phone. I ended the call quickly praying they didn't hear it. But it was too late. I closed my eyes.

"Did you hear that???" A voice asked quickly. 'I'm fucked.' I thought. I heard a laugh. "Oh my god." He started chuckling. "Yeah I heard it." I could hear the smile on his face. Why the fuck was this funny to them?! None of it was funny. I had no idea how to approach this situation. My heart felt heavy.

Maybe I could call back whoever it was who was trying to reach me and tell them what's going on. It could work. I gave myself hope. I pulled out my phone and scrolled to the number. Again, I slammed into the other side of the van, banging my head massively on some kind of metal material. 'Shit!' I screamed in my head. It was the last thing I remembered. They may have not drugged me, but I got knocked out.

Kidnapped by My Chemical RomanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon