Ray Guns

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My eyes grew wide. I looked at every inch of him. "What the fuck? What the fuck?!" Gerard looked at me. But I couldn't read his expression. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly. "What do you even mean 'what's wrong?' What is going on?! Why the fuck are you doing this? Why do YOU Gerard Arthur Way have me tied up?!"

I started screaming! It's crazy because I've been oddly dreaming of this moment. But everything in the van had flashed back at me. "We need her." Gerard had replayed in my head. All the voices clicked finally after seeing Gerard's face. It was the voices of the whole band... Frank and Ray too, expect for Mikey. Figures.

I didn't know-- I was in panic, the thought of getting hurt by Gerard... Should I be fangirling at the moment? I didn't understand.

He moved behind me. "Oh God Frank..." Gerard muttered. "I'm sorry about the chains. I really am, I didn't do this part, all on Frank."

Frank walked in. "W-what are you doing?!" He walked in quickly toward Gerard. "You told me to read her record." He continued.

"Yeah, exactly," he frowned at Frank "I didn't say tie her up!"

"It said she's dangerous." Frank said sternly. "It's a good thing! An advantage for us!" He said brightly, clenching his fists.

"We're not gonna hurt you, I promise." Gerard continued, turning to me.

"No ones ANSWERED me yet..." I said sassily, "and you guys have been keeping track of me? My records?! You're not gonna HURT me? What the fuck do you want from me that you had to kidnap me? I'm a fan of your music! You could've just walked up to me! What the hell?!" I finished aggressively rattling the chains on my hand. Frank and Gerard stared at me with wide eyes. Was I... Scaring them...? Frank took a tiny step back in fear.

"Could you leave for a moment?" He looked at him as Frank looked at both of us. He didn't take his eyes off me whiling he walked away.

"Please. Just--tell me what's going on..." I looked down, not wanting to make eye contact. I felt his hands behind me, unlocking the chains. I felt my blood flowing properly after it was released. I rubbed my cheeks hard. He took my hands in his and I looked at him in alert. "Melody, we need you." I tilted my head. "I heard you say it before." I said looking him deep in the eyes.

"This isn't a joke." He said with a serious tone. "We have your records. You're not the only one. We have files of various people. You are a main. You're strength."

"You can continue saying...whatever THAT means, and I still won't understand what's going on. You need to be a little clearer." I said taking my hands from his, and rubbed my wrists.

"Maybe it'll better if I just showed you." Gerard shook his head looking aggravated. He pulled my hand again gently, gesturing me to come with him. He both were a bit hesitant. But I obeyed. Following him, with both our hands still together, we walked in halls and halls. "Gerard... Where are we?" I asked quietly. "Shhhhhhh..." He responded putting his finger to his lips.

I thought to myself finally. With words. My minds were finally processing words. 'Gerard is holding my hand... Claiming he needs me. They need me.' Little did they know I LOVED them with a passion...--

We made a stop at a door and released hands. Gerard put his hand on the doorknob. He brought his eyes to mine. I swallowed. "Are you ready? He asked me, observing my face. My heart oh God. I didn't know what to be ready for. I nodded, though I wasn't ready at all.

Gerard turned the knob and pushed the door open.

It was a bright white room...... Filled with rows and rows of guns. Colorful colorful guns... I stepped in and looked around in awe. They were all ray guns from the music videos of Na Na Na and Sing. Packs of batteries were in the corner of room. Gerard followed behind me.

He grabbed gun and quickly shot the wall leaving a black mark. I jumped. He look like be wanted to chuckle but he saw that I was serious. "Gerard, I still don't understand... I know what all this is... But I don't know--I don't know why..." I frown.

"This isn't a game. It's not just an album. It's not a joke. The organizations? They are REAL." He looked at me, emphasizing.

"We need you. You're one of us. There are many of us." He continued.

It sounded so stupid to be honest. All these years, I didn't think ANY of this was real. I observed everything again. I looked at Gerard who was taking my hand in his again.

I looked at him, thinking about everything. Once again my mind went blank... You're probably wondering what happened. How I responded. What did I say?


Kidnapped by My Chemical RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora