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Marilyn hid a fork under the mattress. She knew she had to get out. Stacy was not very observant when she cleaned up the tray. That worked in her favor. It wouldn't be easy to get out. She had to hide what she was doing, she had to make sure no one knew what she was doing.

“Hank is gone for a few days. So is Claire. I'll be looking after you. Please no problems.” Stacy said as she took the tray.

“How long?” She asked, praying she would have time to try and escape.

“4 days.” She walked out of the room, Marilyn waited to hear the lock. Only there wasn't a lock.

Marilyn's hope soared as she thought about what it meant. She would be able to get out without an issue. She would wait until night fall. Then she would make her scape.

Josh sat in Matt's apartment, wondering what would happen. Would they ever find Marilyn? Would this nightmare ever end? He hated the idea of not being near her, not seeing her. He loved her and wanted her home. Stark wasn't doing well. He was sick and not eating. He was depressed. He wanted his owner back. Josh tried everything, even gave Stark table scraps, but he wouldn't eat. The vet said he was depressed. That nothing would change until his owner came back.

“We have to do something. Stark is gonna die.” Matt said as he sat with the large dog.

“Unless the vet takes him and puts a tube in his stomach and an IV there's nothing we can do.” Josh felt horrible. He couldn't keep Marilyn safe and he couldn't keep her dog alive. He was a horrible person. He wouldn't be able to save dog unless she came home.

Josh go up and left, it took Matt a moment to register the action but he noticed. He followed his friend. He didn't want something bad to happen.

Marilyn waited until she knew Stacy was asleep to male her move. It was a long wait. Marilyn tried to grab something to wear, making sure to hide her injuries. It wasn't easy to hide the ones on her face. She slipped out of her room, quiet as she could be. She closed her door as carefully as she could. She didn't have shoes which would make her running that much harder, but she wasn't about to wait around and find shoes. She tip toed down the hall, going slower past the other bedrooms. She made it down the staircase and saw a jacket and a pair of rain boots. She grabbed them as she ran out the front door.

She took off at full speed, not caring if she tired out. She had to figure out where she was and how to get back to Josh. It wasn't easy. She stopped for a moment and noticed she was on a farm. She knew it would help very little. She noticed water on one side and a road a good few miles away. She took off towards the road. She wanted to be safe. She hoped someone would see her and help her.

Marilyn reached the road and started to walk. She saw a car and froze, she had no idea if the person driving was Hank or someone who would help her. She watched as the car slowed down and pulled to a stop.

“Miss, are you ok?” A woman asked, she had blonde hair and wore coveralls.

“Please, I need a phone. I need to get to a doctor and I need to call Cassie Ferguson. She's a detective out of Vancouver.” She explained.

“Are you the one the police are looking for?” She asked as she unlocked the car and opened the door.

“Yes. I was kidnapped and I just want to go home.” She was tired and weak.

“Get in. I'll take you to the nearest hospital then we can call the police.” She promised.

“Marilyn.” She said as she got in.

“Diana. I've seen the reports on tv about you and your step dad. I had no idea you'd be out here.” She said as they took off.

They drove in silence, not sure what would happen once she got to the hospital. She knew she needed medical attention, but she wanted Josh more. She hoped that she would be able to call him, get a hold of one of the guys. She wanted someone she knew. She wanted to feel safe.

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