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---------------------------->Detective Ferguson!

Cassie Ferguson sighed as she sat at her desk at the station. Marilyn Holden was a mess, she had no idea what to do or who she could trust aside from Josh Ramsay. She thought about how to go about questioning her mother and step father. That would be the hard part. Harder still would be keeping Marilyn safe from her step father. She told Josh it would best best to move, since Hank knew where he lived, Marilyn wouldn't be safe. Also to get restraining orders. There wasn't much else they could do, it was a waiting game now. Cassie stood up and looked to her partner, Detective Keith Riggs.

“You ready to go talk to the parents?” She asked.
“You mean the ones who waited fours days to report her missing?” He scoffed as he put his badge on his hip and his gun in it's holster.
“Who doesn't care that their kid is missing?” Cassie hissed as they went to their car.

Once they arrived at the Holden house, Cassie took a moment to look around. She wanted to see if there was anyway that Hank would get out. When she was sure there wasn't they went to the door. Keith knocked as Cassie took a deep breath.

“Yes?” A woman asked as she opened the door. She looked tired and worn out.
“Are you the mother of, Marilyn Holden? Age 19 with blonde hair and blue eyes?” Keith gauged her reaction as she heard the news.
“You......you found our daughter?” She seemed happy with the news.
“Yes, but we need to speak with you with you and your husband.” Cassie said as she showed her badge.
“Oh.....um please come in. I thought Marilyn was with one of her friends. When a few days passed I got worried. Hank said she would be home in a few days. I love my daughter, I love her so much.” Heather said as she lead the detectives into the house. Keith took notice that the house was a mess and reeked of stale beer and rotting food.
“Where is your husband?” Keith nodded to Cassie when he saw the broken photos.
“He's in the shower. He should be down soon.” Heather sat on the couch and looked dazed. Her puplis were dialated and eyes blood shot.
“Mrs. Holden, would you mind if I took a look at Marilyn's room?” Cassie asked as she peeked in the kitchen.
“Be my guest. Upstairs, first door on the left.” Cassie nodded and head up.
“Mrs. Holden, have you noticed anything odd with your daughter the past few weeks?” Keith took out his pad and started taking notes.
“She was staying out more. Didn't want to be home. Lashing out at Hank a lot. She has always been a good kid. She started hanging around with a young man and her mood changed. I thought maybe drugs or something.” She wasn't sure what to tell the detective.
“Has your husband been acting odd?” He was trying to get to the point without saying it.
“In what way?” Heather's eyes went wide for a moment, Keith made a note of it.
“Has he wanted to have relations with you? Has he paid too much attention to Marilyn?” He knew she couldn't be that dumb.
“Yes we have sex. And no he doesn't pay too much attention to Marilyn. What has she told you?” Heather started to get upset, she didn't want to deal with anything.
“Keith, could you come here for a moment?” Cassie called from Marilyn's room.

Keith nodded to Heather as he went to see his partner. As he walked in to the room he saw how trashed it was. Everything was either ripped, smashed, and broken. It wasn't something a girl like Marilyn would do.

“What did her mother say?” Cassie asked as she looked at a few photos. She picked up one of a little girl with her father. Bright blue eyes and blond ringlets.
“Her real dad?” Keith asked as he looked around.
“I think so.” She shook her head as she took it out of the frame.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Hank snapped at the detectives.
“You must be Mr. Holden. I'm Detective Riggs, this is my partner Detective Ferguson. We need to speak with you about your step daughter.” He said, Cassie watched Hank's eyes. He tried to look calm as he spoke.
“Like I care? Look at what she did to her room? Does it look like she gives a shit about us?” He yelled.
“So you're telling us she did this? She smashed everything she cares about? Even a photo of her father?” Cassie asked, shooting a glance at Keith.
“What would you know? You don't deal with her every day! She's spoiled and fucking random guys!” Hank spewed his lies with ease. He wasn't about to let the little bitch get away with calling the police.
“Mr. Holden, calm down. We just have some questions. What happened the night she ran off?” Cassie asked, not liking this guy one bit.
“I told her she was grounded. I went to bed. I thought I heard shit being thrown around, I ignored and slept. When I woke up she was gone and her room looked like this.” He said as he walked off.
“Mr. Holden would you please tell us how she broke her arm?” Keith watched as Hank stopped for a second. He looked up and to the right before he answered.
“She was trying to skateboard and fell.” He went down to where his wife was, Keith looked at Cassie and they followed.
“Mrs. Holden I'm afraid that Marilyn won't be coming home. She's a adult. If she chooses to contact you she will. We have spoken with her and we have to look into a few things. We'll be in touch.” Cassie said as she turned to leave.
“Wait! Is there anyway I can see her?” Heather asked, her voice was thick with desperation.
“Not unless she wants to see you. She's in no shape to see anyone.” Keith said, noting Heather's shock.
“What happened to her?” Hank asked, wondering what the little bitch told them.
“Someone hurt her badly. We're trying to find out who it was. Thank you for your time.” Cassie said as they walked out.

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