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Marilyn was on the balcony with Stark watching the rain fall. It was nice to be outside without worrying.She knew there was no way Hank would find her. She was hidden away.Kim was in the kitchen, not far from her friend. She and Megan took turns making sure Marilyn was safe. Stark never left her side.

"Hey Lyn, are you hungry?" Kim asked as she walked out.
"I think so. I know I need to eat. I'm hoping they get Hank. I can't live like this anymore. I want a normal life. I want the chance to have a family." Marilyn felt like a horrible person. She was scared to have sex after what Hank did to her. She still had nightmares.
"It'll get better. The cops are watching that farm you told them about and they will get him. No one is going to hurt you again. No one." Kim stressed the last part. She had no idea what her friend was feeling but she would do whatever it took to keep her calm and help.

They sat in the living room and had some soup with sandwiches that Kim had made. Stark sat by the front door, just waiting for someone to walk in. He was more inclined his owner then ever before. It was hard to get the dog to relax.

Josh had no real idea what would happen when everything was done. When they found Hank, would Marilyn stay with him? Would she out grow him and leave? Would they last? Those questions and more kept running through his head. He wanted to know that she knew he would be there no matter what and that he wanted to be in her life.

When Josh left the studio he had no idea what was about to happen. One moment he was walking to his car, the next he felt a blinding pain in the back of his head and black out. He had no idea what had happened.

Marilyn started to get worried when 7 pm hit and Josh hadn't arrived home. He was taking her out to dinner.She took slow deep breaths, he had to of gotten caught up at work.She kept that thought in her head, as long as she kept positive nothing bad could or would happen. Or so she thought.

Marilyn was woken by her phone ringing at midnight. She had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for Josh. She felt a chill when she reached for her phone. She knew something happened. Josh wouldn't just not come home.There was a reason. Something happened to Josh.

"Hello.....?"She said tentatively.

"Hey Lyn is Josh there? His car is at the studio but he's not." Matt said, he sounded a little worried.

"When did you last see him?" She asked as she sat up, her mind racing. Going to places it shouldn't.
"Around 5. He said he was leaving to pick something up then you guys had a dinner night planned. I have no idea why he'd leave his car." He was more then a little worried.
"That was 7 hours ago! What if he's hurt? What if he's dead?!" She felt the panic swell in her chest and tried to breath.
"Whoa! Calm down.I'm sure he's ok. He might have just gotten distracted. I'll make some calls. Try to relax. I'm sure this is just some odd misunderstanding." Matt wasn't just trying to calm Marilyn down. He had those same worries before calling her when he saw his friend'scar sitting outside.
"I'll try. Call me the minuet you hear anything!" She said as he hung up.

Marilyn made sure everything was locked tight as she tried to calm down. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. There was no reason Josh wouldn't have made it home. Something happened. Marilyn pressed her back to the front door and choked on a sob, she slowly slid to the floor as she started to cry. Stark ran over to her and rested her head on her lap, trying to make her feel better.

Elsewhere in Canada......................

Josh awoke in a dank room with very little light. His head was pounding and he couldn't see straight. He tried to stand up, only to find out he was tied to a bad.

"Well well.....you must be Joshua. My my my you are a sexy man." A woman cooed at him. He had no idea who it was. He hadn't heard her voice before.
"Where am I?" He coughed, his throat was dry.
"Your in my house. You're my present for doing good. I get to do whatever I want to you." She sounded like she was in heat with the way she spoke. Josh felt his skin crawl with every word she said.
"Where is your house?" He asked, hoping to get something to figure out where he was.
"Tsk tsk tsk. Sneaky boys get hurt. I would hate to hurt you....." She ran a finger up his body, making him shudder.
"Claire get in here!!!" Josh heard a man yell. It was in that moment he figured out where he was and what had happened. Hank grabbed him. He was with Hank and Claire.
"I'll be back, then we can play." She pressed her lips to his, making him want to vomit from the smell. Her breath was horrible.

She left the room and he heard the door lock. He fought against his bindings and growled at the situation. He looked around and saw his jeans. He popped a hand loose and worked at untying his other hand then his legs.

"I should have known show she was." He hissed as he checked for his phone. He got lucky, they hadn't found it. He sent a text to Mike and Matt.

Call the cops. Hank and Claire have me. Send help!!!

He sat down on the filthy bed and thought about Marilyn. He knew she had to be scared. He hoped that they could find him via his phone. He made sure to hide it, he didn't want to risk anything. He heard the door and knew something bad would happen since he got loose.

"Joshy!! How did you get loose?"Claire said in a sickly sweet tone.
"Magic. Let me go you crazy bitch." He snapped.
"Now now...no reason to be mean. I pleased Hank so I got a toy. Your what I wanted. I wanna play." She started to undress and Josh jumped up.
"Fuck you! I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last skank whore on earth!" He was beyond pissed.
"I have ways to getting what I want! Don't force me to fuck you over."She hissed as she backed him into the wall.

Mike raced into the police department and demanded to speak with Cassie.

"Get her now!" He snapped as Matt walked in with Marilyn and Stark.
"What is this regarding?" The officer at the desk asked.
"It has to do with me and my step father." Marilyn said as she walked up.
"That doesn't tell me anything." He hissed.
"The asshole took my boyfriend now get the detectives on the case or take me to the chief. I don't care who just do it and do it now!" She snapped at him. Mike and Matt were shocked at how forceful she was.
"Um right away." He got up and went into the back.
"Where Ian?" Mike asked Matt as he looked at his phone.
"No idea. He said he'd meet us here." He sighed as Stark barked at a few people who were to close to Marilyn.
"Mike,Matt, Marilyn what's going on?" Cassie said as she walked out.
"You have to track Josh's phone. Hank took him. We think it's to get Lyn."Mike said as he showed her his phone.
"20 minuets ago? Is it still on?" She asked as she motioned for them to follow her.
"As far as we know. Can you find him?" Matt asked.
"We should be able too. If we can track it, we can get an actual address. Then we can go in and find Josh and finally arrest Hank." She said as she contacted the tech guys to start a trace on his phone. She wanted to work as fast as possible to locate Josh and the people who had him.
"I hope we're not too late. I know what they do." Marilyn tried to be optimistic. It was harder then she thought it would be. She want the man she loved back in her arms.

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