Authors note!!!!!!!!

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Ok so I had an idea. i want you all to pick part of the next chapter!!!!

1) Someone breaks into Josh's apartment while looking for Marilyn and finds Stark who attacks the intruder!

2) Claire tries to trick Marilyn into visiting her mother with a sob story that she's gravely ill only to find out Hank is waiting for her but she backs out and calls one of the guys to pick her up at a rest stop.

3) Someone breaks into Mike's place and finds out that Marilyn lives there thus forcing her to move in with one of the other guys. Stark ends up at the Vet after being drugged. (Dog will not die!!)

4) something involving all 3 choices and it'll be spreed into 2 chapters.

Please vote and let me know which you all want to see! The chice with the most votes gets used!!!

I thought it would be fun to see what you guys pick!

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