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------------------------------>Claire! The evil one herself!

 Josh was relieved when he was told Stark would be fine, just keep him hydrated and keep an eye on him. Josh agreed and headed home with the large puppy. When he got there Detective Ferguson was there with her partner.

“You have got the worst luck.” Keith laughed as he walked in.
“I was more worried about the dog. I can replace my stuff. This dog is Marilyn's life.” He said as Stark looked around.
“What happened?” Matt asked as he walked over to his friend.
“Whoever broke in drugged him. If I hadn't gotten home when I did he might not be here now. The vet told me he took a bite outta someone. Took a swab for me.” Josh smiled as he handed the baggie to Cassie.
“Good dog.” She smiled as Stark laid next to her.
“There blood over here!” One of the techs called out as Keith went to check it out.
“Well I don't think they found whatever they were looking for. It's kind of funny though. You and your friend Mike both have break ins less then a day apart.” Cassie looked at Josh and he read her mind.
“I'm telling you it's gotta be that Claire bitch. She just happened to find my apartment and run into Lyn at the park. It's not a coincidence. She's trying to find out where she's staying. I'll be damned if she's getting close to Lyn.” He spat, looking at his friend.
“I'd say not to stay here tonight. We have a lot to go through. Stay with Marilyn. Let her know everything is ok. Don't tell her about the dog. She'll have a fit.” Keith said as he looked at a broken photo.
“Alright. Let's go.” Matt sighed as the dog followed.
“Don't say it. He's coming. Lyn needs him." Josh laughed as Matt eyed the dog.
“That dog scares....” Matt sighed as they went to their cars.
“Trust me, this dog likes you. If he didn't like you, he'd of tried to bite your ass.” Josh laughed as Stark got in his car.
“Good to know. See ya there.” Matt said as he got in his car and took off.
“Hey, make sure no one follows you.” Josh hollered as he took off.

Marilyn was shocked to see Josh and Stark on Matt's couch in the morning. Stark ran to her the moment she stepped out of her room.

“Hey baby! Did you miss me? Is that why Josh brought you?” She cooed at her big puppy and smiled as Josh sat up.
“Kind of. Someone was in my place while I helped you move. Whoever it was didn't know about Stark, they know now though. Such a good dog!” Josh smiled as he tossed Stark a bone.
“Josh I should just go some place where no one can find me. Just until this is done. You and your friends are putting up with more then you should. In a year I've been raped, beaten, in the hospital and moved 4 times. This is not normal.” She hissed as she sat on the floor with her dog.
“No one said you had to be normal. None of this is your fault. Hank is doing this. Not you. You are not leaving. We can keep you safe.” Josh sat next to her and hugged her tight as Matt walked out.
“Shit sorry!” He was walking back to his room.
“We're not doing anything.” Marilyn laughed as she stood up.
“Oh sorry. You're together.....just kind of assumed.“ He laughed, going to the kitchen.
“Assumed what?” She hissed as she went to the guest room and slammed the door.
“Way to go.” Josh groaned as he fell backwards, sighing.
“What did I do?” He felt like a dick.
“You hinted we have sex. We haven't and I don't care too much. If she's ready for it then cool. If not that's cool too. You have to watch what you say. She's doing better. Don't make assumptions. It puts  all of us in the shit house.” He said from his spot on the floor. Stark sat at the front door whining loudly.
“Um why is the large dog making noise.....?” Matt scratched his head as he stood with a glass of juice.
“He needs to go out.” Josh got up and found the leash, going out for a few to clear his head.

Marilyn shook her head as she looked for something to wear as her phone went off. She sighed as she answered it.

“Yes?” She sighed as she grabbed some jeans and a shirt.
“Hey Marilyn, it's Claire. I was hoping we could go grab some coffee.” Her voice said, Marilyn wanted to scream.
“I can't. I have things I need to get done. I have to clean since someone broke into Josh's apartment.” She said, not happy at the thought it could have been Claire who had done it.
“Are we ever gonna hang out? I mean fuck we went to school together.” She hissed.
“I don't have time for this. I'm sorry, I have to get ready.” She said as she hung up. She didn't want to deal with anything. She just wanted to figure things out.

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