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Cassie went over what Nicole had told her. Hank had 5 houses in his name. She had to figure out which house he might have Marilyn stashed at. It was hard to pin point which house it would be. Cassie spoke with Keith about her theory and hoped he would side with her. While the chief was worried about more pressing cases, he wanted his top detectives on something other then some missing person case.

"Detective Ferguson! Get your ass in here!" He screamed from his door. Keith Riggs let out a sigh as she stood up and went to the office. She knew what was about to happen.

"Yes sir?" She asked as she sat down.

"What is wrong with you and Riggs? What did I tell you about the Marilyn Holden case? This is not a priority! You need to focus on the cases that matter!!! You need to find that bastard who robbed the jewelery store!” He yelled.

“Marilyn Holden has been missing for 5 days. There is a chance that her step father took her. He might have her hidden away. Nicole Kimber told me that Hank Holden has 5 house in his name and they're all abandoned houses. 4 of them are boarded up and all 5 have had work done. 2 of them just had basements built. I know she's in one of the house!” She hissed at her boss.

“You have one week. If there is no change or leads, your done. And you need to watch your tone or your gonna lose your job!!” He spat at her.

Cassie got up and stormed from the office. She hated her boss. He hated how cold he was to a young woman who was missing. Let alone the fact she was an abused woman who had a large group of people who were worried about her. She looked at Keith as she walked to her desk, she grabbed her things and left. There was no way she would waste time looking for Marilyn. Keith followed his partner, wanting to help as much as he could.

“So what's the deal?” He asked as they got into a car.

“We have a week. A week to find a missing girl and arrest a monster who is doing who knows what to said girl.” She snapped as they got into the car.

“That’s bullshit and he knows it. There is no way in that we can find her in a week! There’s been no real lead or word on her. Douglas needs to see how bad things are with Marilyn. If we can’t find her she might die.” Keith sighed.

“I don’t care if he fires me. I’m gonna find her and make sure she’s ok. There is no way in hell that he’s gonna kill her. Not while I’m around.” She hissed as Keith started the car and drove off.

Josh sat in his apartment, wondering where the woman he loved was. He prayed that someone might find her and save her. That she was ok, that there was no harm done to her. He had no idea what he would do if something happened to her. Sure he had some idea of what was happening, but he would not let his mind dwell on such things. It was to painful to think of someone harming Marilyn. It was hell not knowing what was going on.

Josh was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t hear someone walk into the apartment. Even Stark had no will to bark. He was depressed with Marilyn, he was weak and unable to move most of the time.

“Hey Josh, how you feeling?” Matt said as he walked in.

“Shitty. Any word from the cops?” He asked, lightly strumming on a guitar.

“Only that there is a chance they know where Mar might be. They talked to the girl, Nicole. She gave them a few things about Hank that none of us knew. So now they have to look around and hope they find her.” He said as he sat next to his friend.

“They need to find her. I hate knowing that Hank has her. I don’t even want to think about what he might be doing to her. I pray she finds a way to get away from him. I don’t care if she has to kill him!” Josh snapped.

“We all want her found. You know that. Anything we can tell the cops helps. Since we know nothing about Hank or that fucking bitch who’s helping him. We’re kind of up shit creek without a paddle. So all we can hope for is that they slip up. Cassie set up an all points bulletin so they know the moment they are seen.” Matt was trying as hard as he could to boost his friend’s spirits.

“I want her safe.” Josh sighed as he put his guitar down and looked at Stark. “He misses her so much. He won’t even eat.”

“We need to get you and Stark out of here. Pack some shit. You’re staying with me for a few days. Brings the stuff Stark needs.” Matt was firm, there was no getting around it.

Knowing he had no choice, Josh got up from his place on the couch and headed to his room to pack. He grabbed a backpack and threw clothing in. He grabbed the few things Stark would need then talked out to find Matt getting the bag of dog food and bowls.

Marilyn woke up to find a tray of food on the dresser. She let out a sigh as she thought of what would happen. It had been a week. She had healed up a bit and wasn’t as sore. She hated the thought of knowing that Hank would walk in and do what he wanted to her.There wasn’t much he hadn’t done at this point. He had hurt in ways she never though possible.

Before she ate, she went to the restroom to check on her sores.As she stripped off her clothing she felt like crying. She looked at her breasts, cover in burn marks and nearly healed sores. She turned to see her back in the mirror, covered in red marks from a whip. All the marks were in various stages of healing. She broke down crying, she felt a sense of hopelessness. She was strong, she had fight, but she felt it leave her body.

She had no idea if she would ever been found or would ever get out. She put her clothing on and did her morning thing then went to eat. After she ate, she heard the lock in the door and froze. She knew what would happen. She held her breath as the door opened. She started to breath again when she saw Claire and another woman walk in.

“Marilyn, this is Stacy. She’ll bethe one who brings you food and tend to your wounds. I have other things to tend to. Hank gave me what I’ve been hoping for.” She smirked as Stacy picked up the ray and considered Marilyn. She had a sad look in her eyes, as if she knew what was going on.

“Is there anything you need?” Stacy asked.

“Yea, to get out of here!” She snapped.

“Now now Marilyn! You’ve been so good. Don’t make me take away your pain meds or clothing.” She smirked as she rubbed her stomach.

“I’ll bring you something to drink in a bit. Hank asked that you have a drink today.” Stacy said as she walked out, laving Claire alone with Marilyn.

“You see Mar, Hank wants us both pregnant. That way he can have the family he always wanted. It seems that your body just won’t get pregnant though. So we must try another method. I’m already with child. I can’t wait to make him a father.” She said with a twinge of hate. She wanted Marilyn to live in fear.

“I won’t have his devil spawn!!” She screamed, earning her slap across the face.

“You’ll have his baby a like it. You’re nothing but a skanky slut that he can’t get away from. I want you gone, but he likes his little toy. You’re going to shut the fuck up and take whatever he wants to do to you.” She hissed, grabbing her hair. Marilyn cried out, clawing at Claire’s hands.

“You have no idea what he does! Let go of me!” She cried, all of a sudden Claire pulled a knife from her back.

“You have no idea what I’d do to make him happy. I’ve done ever sick and depraved thing he’s asked without complaint. Now you take it all. Stop being a little cunt. If you keep being a whiney little bitch I will kill you.” She warned, putting the knife away.

Marilyn laid on the bed, wondering what Hank wanted with kids. He hated kids and made it his life’s work to make kids suffer. She had no idea what to do. She had to be lucky she thought to herself. Knowing that she wasn't with child. She would rather die then have Hank's child. She knew what would happen, she'd have his child then he'd keep her locked up just have more children. She die from having children. She had to get out. There had to be a way for her to get out. That's when she noticed the window.

There was a nail hanging out of one of the boards. If she was able to get the boards off the windows she might have a shot.

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