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Marilyn was shocked by the sight of her mother. She had no idea how she came to look so bad or how she got to the police station.

“How'd she get here?” Marilyn asked, leaving the room. She couldn't stand in the room.

“A young lady named Nicole brought her in. She also said she tried to kidnap you.” Cassie said as they sat down at her desk.

“Yea, I got away. I'm smarter then Nicole. She isn't the smartest person ever.” She sighed.

“Well we have to take your mom to the hospital to get checked out. She's pretty bad. She's in the mind set where she thinks you're 16. When asked about you she said you were 16, in school and about to take a big test. She needs to be evaluated and then they can decide what's going on.” Marilyn felt her heart break at the thought of her mother being in the hospital. She knew it was for the best. She could be safe and away from Hank.

“For how long?” She could barely speak.

“72 hours. Standard hold.” Cassie sighed as Josh and the others walked in. Marilyn ran to Josh, trying not to cry over her mother.

“What's going on?” He asked Cassie as he hugged Marilyn.

“Heather Holden was brought in, she's not under arrest. She needs to go in for a psych hold. She's not herself. From what Marilyn said she's not in her right mind. From what I've seen she's not ok. She was brought in by a young lady named Nicole who said she tried to kidnap Marilyn. She turned herself in. We can use her if it comes down too it.” She explained.

Claire and Hank sat in a rundown motel fuming. Nicole took the one thing they had to use against Marilyn and ran off. Claire knew where Nicole went. There was no way Heather walked off on her own. Not with as much as they drugged her. Claire knew what would happen. She was about to get the brunt of Hank's anger. Something she was ok with. It wasn't like it was the first time. She didn't want to disappoint Hank, but there was no way around it.

“How could you let her take Heather?” He growled at Claire.

“I had no idea what was going on until I went to talk to Nicole. When I got back to the kitchen Heather and Nicole were gone. She was scared of you. She let Marilyn get away.” She hissed as Hank got up and paced.

“You shouldn't have left her alone! I want Marilyn!” He screamed as he hit her. She took it in stride as he hit her again,

“I know it was a dumb move. I'll find her!” Claire said from her place on the floor.

“You'd better fucking find her!” He growled, grabbing her hair and pulling her up.

“I will.” She moaned as he threw her to the bed.

It had been a week since Heather was placed on a hold at the local hospital. They elected to keep her given her mental state. She was in no shape to be alone. She was in a private room with around the clock care. She was still in an altered state. Her doctor said that due too the many drugs that had been forced on her it scrambled her mind.

Marilyn was sitting with Josh in the apartment waiting to go visit her mother. She was nervous, it was frightening to think of her mother locked away. She hated the idea of her mother in a padded room alone. She was scared to death of hospitals after she was admitted. Now she had to go see her mother. Josh offered to go with her, keep her safe. The hospital told her that her dog was allowed in since he was a companion animal. It made things seem easier. Marilyn would be able to keep a hold of Josh and Stark. It was the only way she would be able stay sane.

The ride to the hospital was quiet. Josh wasn't sure how to talk to Marilyn, she was upset and worried about her mother. He couldn't even think of how he would react if it was his mother in the hospital. He held her hand as they arrived. Josh parked near the wing Heather was in and waited for Marilyn to move. She sat looking at the building, not wanting to move. Stark bounced around the car, excitedly looking around.

“We should head in.” She sighed as they got out of the car. Stark ran to a tree and marked while Marilyn walked around the car and hugged Josh.

“It'll be ok. I'm here and Stark is here. Well he was. Stark!!” Josh laughed as he called to the large lumbering dog. The dog stopped dead in his tracks and ran back.

“Crazy pup.” She gave a small laugh as he grabbed Stark and leashed him.

As they walked in, Marilyn made sure she had the letter from her doctor, encase anyone gave her shit about Stark. As they walked in, Stark sniffed and looked for danger. As they walked up to the nurse's station, Stark hopped up on the counter to look around.

“Oh my lord! Get that thing out of here!” An elder nurse hissed.

“I have permission to have him. He's harmless.” Marilyn said as she tried to pull Stark down.

“We're here to see Heather Holden.” Josh stated as he helped pull Stark down.

“Oh......right. We have a note you can have that thing. You have to control it.” She hissed.

“He's a good dog. He'll behave.” Josh promised.

“Down the hall. Room 156. She's the only on there. She may not remember much. She's still adjusting to being off whatever she was on.” The nurse said as she gave them visitor passes.

The walk to the room seemed to take forever. Marilyn was nervous to see her mother. It was odd thinking of her mother as not right in the head. It was like a bad dream. Nothing seemed to be going right. It seemed like forever when they reached the door.

As Marilyn walked in, she saw her mother sitting at the window, looking at things. Her normally bright lively brown eyes were dull, her coco brown hair had lost it's luster. No longer was it curly and shiny.

Marilyn handed Stark's leash to Josh and took a deep breath.

“Mom?” She called out softly, hoping for a response.

“Who's there?” Heather turned to see who was in her room.

“Hey mom.....how are you?” She took a few steps in, Josh behind her with Stark pulling to get close to Marilyn.

“Who are you?” Heather asked, looking at Marilyn.

“Mom, it's me. Marilyn.” She looked at Josh who wondered what was going on.

“My Marilyn has blonde hair. You have purple hair.” She began to rock back and forth as she turned back to the window.

“It's me mom. I just changed my hair.” She sounded worried.

“My Marilyn is a good girl. She got an A on her last test. She was just starting to date. A boy named Josh.” She said as she looked around the room.

“Mrs. Holden, it's great to see you.” Josh smiled as he walked up with Stark.

“Josh, is Marilyn with you?” Heather smiled as she saw him.

“No. She's home sick. She misses you. She wishes she could be here.” Josh sighed.

Marilyn stood off to the side, trying not too cry. She wasn't sure what to do. So she left the room and formed a plan. Took out her phone and called Josh. She hoped it would work.

“Yea?” He answered, not looking at the phone.

“Give the phone to my mom.” She prayed that her idea would work. There was not promise her mother would buy it.

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