New Year's Kiss - Tracer/Emily

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It was New Years Eve and Lena Oxton had never been more ready for a fresh start. She sat in her apartment, the upbeat bass of a pop song reverberating through the air. Fairy lights twinkled and flashed on the Christmas tree she had yet to take down and the tinsel flickered in time with them, reflecting the light in patterns on the ceiling. There was a bowl of popcorn and a stack of films on the coffee table, along with two cups of tea from which steam rose up and spiralled before dissipating to nothing. All she had to do was wait for the now-familiar knocking on her door. Looking at her watch, she noted that it was 9:58, and that Emily would be arriving in a matter of minutes.

Lena's heart sped up at the thought of her neighbour. Over the last few days, the redhead had made it her job to cheer her up, coming round everyday since Christmas Eve with cake and chocolate and movies and Lena couldn't help but feel happier whenever there was a tap on the door. On Christmas Day, having decorated the tree the night before, Emily brought over a present. It was a small box, wrapped in gold paper and glittery red ribbon, and inside was a tiny, hand-crafted silver model of a WW2 Spitfire. Lena hadn't known what to say, hugging her neighbour and holding back tears. It had been a while since someone had bought her anything nice.

"How did you get that so quickly? It's beautiful!" Lena had said, sniffling slightly. Emily smiled warmly at her.

"There's a model shop near here. It's owned by a family friend and he let me pick something out for you," she said, still grinning happily. "I'm glad you like it. I remember you saying it's your favourite plane."

The two had then spent the rest of the day making a gingerbread house and watching Christmas films. The house had ended up looking pretty decent, if you didn't look too hard at it, of course. It may have been a little bit wonky and the icing was less than professional but, to them, it looked perfect. Cleaning the kitchen was the hard bit though, as the counter and the floor were both smothered in flour and sugar. Neither woman minded because it was the perfect opportunity for Christmas karaoke and, after a laughter-filled rendition 'Santa Baby', a duet of 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' and several other classics, they had tidied the room completely.
It was the most fun Lena had had in years, more than she had ever had with Amélie. In fact, Amélie had never liked gingerbread, so they had never made a house together. A damn shame, Lena thought, while licking the batter-covered spoon.

The next few days had been full of various games, from Uno to Mario Kart. They spent three hours on one game of Monopoly, crying with laughter when they both bankrupted each other in the same go. Emily had thrashed Lena at Mario Kart, winning every race by a mile, but the brunette was unbeatable at Smash Bros. and had lost count of the times she had sung 'We Are The Champions' after seeing Kirby appear victorious.

That brought Lena to the present, sitting alone in her apartment, waiting for Emily so that they could watch Rocky Horror to start the year off. It was nice to have someone who liked the same films as her, so they could both enjoy them. She had never felt that with Amélie. If she was being honest, since she became friends with Emily, Lena realised how little she and her ex had in common. They didn't have the same tastes, they didn't have the same lifestyle, they didn't like the same kinds of people. There was nothing Lena could find that she felt was connected to the Frenchwoman. Emily, on the other hand, was amazing. They liked the same films, books, music and food and they both laughed a the same kind of jokes and Lena wondered if the last few years would have been better if she had spent them with the ginger woman instead.

This, of course, was a very dangerous thing to think, and as soon as it crossed her mind, she couldn't get it out. She would be a liar if she said Emily wasn't stunning, with her silky, copper-coloured hair and captivating eyes that glimmered like stars and before she could finish that thought, Lena cut herself off, realising how sappy she was sounding. At this rate, she thought, I'll be writing love poems by the end of this year. Even so, Lena couldn't deny that she had a bit of a crush on her neighbour. She supposed it was only natural to like Emily; who wouldn't?

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 05, 2018 ⏰

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