[Bonus Drabble] At Peace - Genyatta

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Okay so I wouldn't say this is extremely Genyatta central but oh well.


The evening sun was glowing, covering Gibraltar in warm, gentle light. A cool wind blew softly through the base and up on the cliffs where Genji and Zenyatta sat in meditation.

The two of them had been out there for a while now, maybe an hour or maybe more, and neither of them were even thinking about leaving yet. It was the most peaceful it had ever been on the base, the team having just come back from a mission and wanting to rest. There was no loud music or chatting or laughing, just the constant crash of the waves on the rocks below.

It had been a long week, with missions and training, and it was difficult to find time to meditate on such a schedule, so moments like this were rare. Usually Hanzo would have joined them but lately he'd started choosing to spend more of his free time with McCree and that was absolutely fine by Genji. He enjoyed Hanzo's company but was happy that he had found someone. Also, he liked being alone with Zenyatta, so the lack of his older brother's presence wasn't particularly bothering him.

The cyborg caught his mind wandering and brought it back to concentrating on the sound of the waves, letting the noise wash away his thoughts. It was nice, being able to let go of the past, to be able to find a good life despite what he'd been through, to have someone who cared for him and loved him.

It was great to finally be at peace.


So I wrote this a while back and it was too short to be an actual thing so it's just a little bonus chapter or whatever.

See y'all in the next part! ;)

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