I Promise - McHanzo (+ an important A/N)

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Good Evening everyone! I wrote this really quickly because I need to explain something to y'all and I don't want to post anything without having a proper update so see the end for an important A/N and (hopefully) have fun reading this oneshot that was powered by stress and procrastination.



The first time McCree saw Hanzo was on a Blackwatch mission in Hanamura when they were both in their twenties.

It had been a crap day, if Jesse remembered correctly, and Gabe wasn't helping by treating him like a child. He thought it was unfair, he wasn't a kid anymore, he could handle himself. It wasn't like he was ten, he was twenty three, for fucks sake, and he could do whatever the hell he wanted and go wherever the hell he wanted.

As it turned out, that was a terrible, terrible idea, and he found himself lost, cold and even more pissed off than when he started. It wasn't supposed to rain but by the time McCree had wandered in circles for half an hour, he was sure that the world was out to get him. Maybe it would have been better if he'd chosen prison.

Hopeless and close to giving in and calling Gabe to pick him up, the cowboy was pulled from his thoughts by a chuckle from behind him.

"You really are lost, aren't you?"

Leaning against a tree was the prettiest man Jesse had ever seen. Pushing away all his previous anger, he grinned at the stranger.

"So how's about you give me directions?"


McCree had to leave Hanzo later that month, just a few days after Blackwatch wrapped up the mission.

It was a perfect night, no clouds to block the stars and the full moon glowing silver against the pitch black sky. Hanzo looked into his eyes, not even trying to hold back tears anymore.

"I don't want you to go, Jesse. You can't leave me here, not with them, not now."

McCree's heart shattered when the archer let out a choked sob and leant further forward into the cowboy's embrace.

"I'll come back for you. One day, Hanzo, I promise."


Running from the authorities was difficult, especially if you were wanted countrywide. Unluckily for McCree, he wasn't wanted countrywide, he was wanted worldwide, which was certainly a problem that kept him on the run. Every time someone caught up, he'd throw another dart at the map for a new destination. This time he was headed for Japan. No one knew him there.

It was only two weeks into his being there when he was recognised.

When he arrived, having sneaked onto a cargo ship, he didn't waste time finding out where he was going, he just needed to find the nearest habitable place where no one would find him. That place happened to be a small village called Hanamura, where he knew he had some...unfinished business.

One night, after finding a nice enough hide out, he was casually walking round the back alleys when he heard a noise. It was quiet, almost unnoticeable but his trained ears picked it up with ease. The sound of drink sloshing around in a flask, he was sure of it, and, lucky for him, he could hear where it was coming from.

Remembering something Reyes had once told him, he continued walking, taking four right turns. When he stopped, the sound was still there for a split second, before the liquid must have settled. Judging by the volume, he could approximate how far away the stalker was. Just close enough for him to...

"Alright, that's enough." Jesse growled, spinning round to face whoever had been following him, gun in hand.. He was met with the tip of an arrow pointed at his head.

Behind the arrow was the prettiest man McCree had ever seen and, much to his surprise, he knew exactly who he was.

"Well, I'll be damned." he murmured, lowering Peacekeeper and tipping his hat.

"Move again and I will kill you." Hanzo said, glaring intensely. "Tell me your name and your business in this place."

"I made a promise, Hanzo,"

The archer lowered his bow, memories flooding back.

"And I fully intend to keep it."



The first time Hanzo kissed McCree was in a dark back alley at midnight.


Okay so that wasn't the best thing I've ever written but I have some important news.

So, basically, the new Deputy Head thought it would be a great idea to start taking the LE phones in at night, like we're second form or some shit, but I always write in the mornings after my shower and now I can't do that so I'm kinda at a loss for time atm because prep and tech problems (the parts I write on my phone don't like saving to my iPad even when Wattpad is connected properly on both).

What I'm saying is: please forgive me for slow updates, I don't have much free time to write. If you have made a suggestion, don't worry, I am working on it. I have two that I have started but can't finish yet so you will hopefully be getting them some time soon(ish) (hopefully)

So yeah, thank you for reading, thank you for leaving nice comments and voting, thank you all so much for thinking I'm somewhat competent.

See y'all next time!

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